- endian - simple tunnel project morphed into a research paper and method for doing C code without headers
- GQL_to_Cypher - a GQL to Cypher translator
- liquid - proof of principle code for research paper on database search
- Lustucru - Scripts for building Linux from Scratch
- miscjupy - some utility code for Jupiter Notebooks
- only-one - initial exploration of building file system that does not duplicate files, used here as an archive tool
- pcp - scratch work when studying unix permissions related to umask and shared directories
- resource - some utility programs for handling repos, in the future this might become part of subu
- subu - Subservient User scripts. A lightweight approach to doing containers
- system - some utility programs I add to /usr/bin when doing a new system install
- tm - a common Lisp iteration library, formalization of concepts for the "Tom's Turing Complete Architecture" book
- TM2x - doubling array written as stackless call code, example for the "Tom's Turing Complete Architecture" book
- Wavefront_0 - scratch work contemplating using LLVM or C instruction sequences for the stackless execution code
for my professional profile see https://thomas-walker-lynch.com/