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Thomas Struller-Baumann edited this page Jan 30, 2023 · 95 revisions

Welcome to the visualee wiki.

Quickstart - visualee for the impatient

A video about visualee from Adam Bien.

An example graph of the opensource project <a

What is visualee?

Visualee is a maven plugin to visualize the cdi- and jpa-dependencies of a java ee project.

It addresses questions like:

  • How could i get an overview of a java ee project?
  • Who fires events and who is observing it?
  • How could i visualize JPA-Relations?
  • Who is producing classes and where are they injected?
  • Which resources are injected?
  • ...

How to include visualee in your mavenproject

visualee is available on maven central. Add this to your pom:


To use SNAPSHOT-Versions you must also include this into your POM:


How to use visualee

After including visualee in your pom, simply build your project. The visualization will be generated in a project outputdirectory called "visualee". In the log should be something like:

### VisualEE-Plugin
### Analyzing sourcefolder: /[your project path]
### Generating graphs
### Done, visualization can be found in
### /[your project path]/visualee/index.html

Open the generated index.html in your browser and select one of the generated graphs. In the index.html is a quick help (click to open it) about using the GUI.

It's recommended to use the google chrome browser, due to it's javascript performance and HTML5-capabilities. It's only tested with chrome version >= 28.0.1500.71 and firefox version >= 22.


There are no classes displayed

Ensure that the browser could open local files (e.g. for chrome „google-chrome %U –allow-file-access-from-files“). Or serve the visualee-folder via http (e.g. python -m SimpleHTTPServer or (since Python3+) python -m http.server 8000).

How to configure the graphs

It is possible to configure the graphs individually. The attributes are:

  • distance
  • gravity
  • graphwidth
  • graphheight
  • fontsize (in percent)

The graph-name is the name of the generated files.

  • default => the default-configuration for all graphs
  • graphOnlyCDIJPA
  • graphAllClasses
  • graphEventObserverClasses
  • graphEJBClasses
  • graphInstanceClasses
  • graphInjectClasses
  • graphProducesClasses
  • graphInstanceProducesClasses
  • graphConnectedInjectProducesClasses
  • graphConnectedInjectInstanceProducesClasses
  • graphConnectedInstanceProducesClasses
  • graphResourcesClasses
  • graphJPAClasses

Example plugin-definition/configuration:


Configure encoding (since 0.27-SNAPSHOT available)

          <encoding>UTF-16</encoding> <!-- optional, default encoding is UTF-8 -->

Filter sources (since 0.27-SNAPSHOT available)

It's possible to filter classes by classname, packagename or sourcecode. The filterToken is not casesensitive. Example: You don't want to have the testclasses of your project in the graph.

                  <!-- Example class filter, filters by classname -->
                     <exclude>false</exclude>   <!-- exclude is optional, default is true -->

                  <!-- Example package filter, filters by packagename -->

                  <!-- Example source filter, filters by sourcecode -->
                     <filterToken>return null;</filterToken>


Questions, comments, ideas?

Don't hesitate to contact me: mailto:[email protected]