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Dark and Red Matter tools are faster, unbreakable versions of ordinary tools.
Each tool has at least one ability. Special abilities that break blocks (as well as shears in MCL) generally drop items directly on the player.
Tools can be charged by pressing aux1+right-click. As the charge level increases, so does the tool speed and ability range.
Most abilities have cooldowns dependent on their range, mostly to limit lag caused by spamming them.
In MineClone2 and Mineclonia, Dark and Red Matter tools cannot be destroyed by fire or lava, and can also be upgraded using Upgrades and an Upgrader.
Right-clicking with a Dark or Red Matter Swords does a powerful AOE attack, hitting all nearby mobs/players within the radius. With a Red Matter Sword, sneak+right-click allows you to change the mode between "Damage hostile mobs" and "Damage all mobs." I couldn't find a way to make the AOE attack work with upgrades/enchantments, so Looting and Fire Aspect only work when swinging the sword normally.
NOTE 1: Only MineClone's hostile mobs will be affected when "Damage hostile mobs" mode. To add other hostile mobs to the list, add the entity name to the hostile_mobs
list near the top of swords.lua
. You could also open an GitHub issue or pull request asking me to add the mob.
NOTE 2: If some non-mob entities are being damaged (or some mobs aren't), open a GitHub issue with that information (it would also be helpful to know what mob mods you have, if it's anything besides vanilla MCL/MTG). Pull requests work too. You can also add the entity to the aoe_exclude
list at the top of swords.lua
Right-clicking on an ore with a Dark/Red Matter Pickaxe will mine all ores in that vein and drop their drops (and XP in MineClone) directly on the player. Sneak+right-click will change the digging mode from "Single node mode," "3x1 tall mode," "3x1 wide mode," and "3x1 long mode." Right-clicking with a Red Matter Pickaxe places a torch.
NOTE: Currently, ores are detected with this code:
if name:find("_ore")
or name:find("stone_with")
or name:find("deepslate_with")
or name:find("diorite_with")
or name:find("andesite_with")
or name:find("granite_with")
or name:find("tuff_with")
or name:find("mineral_")
or (name == "mcl_blackstone:nether_gold")
or (name == "mcl_nether:ancient_debris") then
-- It's an ore.
If an ore isn't detected by this (in other words, right-clicking on it does nothing), tell me via a GitHub issue or submit a pull request. You can also fix this by adding the exchangeclone_ore
group to the node definition.
In Minetest Game, right-clicking with a Dark/Red Matter Axe will break all tree and leaf blocks in a cube with a radius dependent on the range. In MineClone, right-clicking will strip all tree blocks in range, and sneak-right-clicking will break them (and also leaves).
Right-clicking dirt or sand with a shovel will break dirt/sand blocks in a flat area. In MCL, you need to sneak-right-click as right-clicking creates paths (and removes then in MineClone2). Right-clicking other shovel-y blocks will break all of them in a large cubic radius.
Right-clicking with a Dark/Red Matter Hoe will create farmland in a radius dependent on the range. They also break dirt very quickly. Sneak+right-click to switch between 1x1 and 3x3 digging modes (this only applies to dirt).
Shearing a sheep or mooshroom with Dark Matter Shears drops up to 8 wool/mushrooms and has a 30% chance to duplicate the mob. Red Matter Shears drop up to 12 items and have a 60% chance to duplicate mobs. Right-clicking will break all nearby shearable nodes (leaves, cobwebs, grass, etc.) within range.
NOTE: Dark/Red Matter Shears will (like normal shears) still shear sheep when used in dispensers, but there's a chance that they will be misdetected as regular shears. This will not be fixed. Also, using the shears' ability on seagrass breaks the sand below it.
Hammers break cracky/pickaxey nodes. Right-clicking will break all cracky/pickaxey nodes in a square-ish area in front of you. Sneak+right-click to change the block breaking mode between "Single node mode" and "3x3 mode."
The Red Katar is a combination of the Red Matter Sword, Axe, Hoe, and Shears. There was no way I could have separate hotkeys for each ability, so the ability that is used depends on what you're pointing at. If you right-click while pointing at a sheep or a mooshroom, it will be sheared (and possibly duplicated). If you're pointed at a tree, the axe ability will be used. If you're pointed at a shearsy node (leaves/grass/cobwebs, etc.) the shears ability will be used. If you're pointed at dirt, the hoe ability will be used (shift+right-click while pointing at dirt to change the dirt digging mode between 1x1 and 3x3). Otherwise, the sword ability will be used.
The Red Morningstar is a combination of the Red Matter Shovel, Pickaxe, and Hammer. The abilities are somewhat confusing since there are so many. When right-clicking, if pointed at an ore, it will mine the ore vein. If pointed at shovely nodes, it will do the shovel action. If pointed at pickaxey nodes, it will either do the hammer action (if sneaking) or place a torch (if not). Sneak-right-clicking while not pointing at a node allows you do change the digging mode between "Single node mode," "3x3 mode," 3x1 tall mode," "3x1 wide mode," and "3x1 long mode.".