Releases: TheHunterManX/GBA-PK-multiplayer
Alpha 3.51
Quick hotfix that fixes a bug with Spanish Ruby
Alpha 3.5
Alpha 3.5 Changelog
Map connections, and how players interact with them (seeing players on different maps).
The menu check system, which is now more reliable.
Trading script.
Player position.
Every Firered, Leafgreen, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald game is now supported, including differing languages.
Custom nickname support. up to 10 utf8 characters are supported, more will be cut off.
Pokeball symbol when in pokemon menu, and Item bag symbol when in bag.
Trainer card script.
Every script now has dynamic text, as well as custom language support. Be aware that most of it is google translate, so accuracy cannot be verified.
Rendering players is dynamic now.
Player cap is unlimited now. Set to 8 by default.
Seperation for rendering players between different game types (FR/LG and R/S/E). You can disable this option by setting SeperateGames = false.
Timeouts now take 4 real time seconds.
Fast forwarding no longer causes rare occurances of disconnects.
Trading script will no longer crash when selecting 5th or 6th slot to trade.
Players will no longer randomly disappear when going to different map (say veridian to route 1).
Players will no longer have odd glitches if continually moving in 1 direction for too long.
You will no longer see other players while in certain menu screens.
Player connections to the server, if accepted, should no longer cause issues where client says he is connected, but server does not.
Most issues surrounding a player disconnecting.
Resetting the game (not reloading the rom) should now work without issue.
New commands:
ID: the ID of the player to interact with.
Fires script 2, which is the multi choice window.
This release includes fixes and changes, as well as the long awaited 4-player support.
Players will no longer disappear if in battle.
Player sprites will no longer be locked during certain scripts.
Map transitions have far less issues.
Animations for certain actions have been tweaked to look better.
Better syncronization of player location.
Fast forward has been improved.
Better cross-game support.
4-player multiplayer is now added.
A symbol has been added on top of the player if they are in a battle.
Fixes the timeout issues with 2.6. Should also fix sprites in certain cases if you use a randomizer.
Trading has a few bug fixes and improvements.
- You now have the ability to cancel at any time.
- Fixes the names of the traded pokemon and trainer you're trading with.
- Fixes a major bug that in some cases would only allow 1 person to get the trade.
Fixed Firered 1.1 and Leafgreen 1.1 multi choice box having incorrect text.
Fixed a bug where switching from host to client or client to host while the other player was on screen would not disappear.
Optimized the timeout a little more for better fast forward support.
Resetting will no longer disconnect you from the host.
Thanks to @CodaHighland of the mGBA dev team helping with text buffering I was able to make the connection status look a lot nicer.
The following improvements have been made:
-Surfing animations
-Trade is now possible
-Improvements to the networking for better fast-forward support. Now it is far less likely to time you out if you fast-forward. Note that speeds over 4x are a little more unstable, but do work in most cases, so long as you do not keep turning it on and off.
-Added actual running animation
-Added bike animation
-Added female sprite with all the animation the male sprite has
Bug fixes:
-Fixed bug where other player can sometimes disappear
-Fixed bug where player sprite would overwrite snow
Other changes:
-Players will no longer be divided if you enter a map connected to your previous map
-Data will be sent every 4 frames instead of every 8 frames.
Alpha 1 Hotfix 1
Fixes female sprites not updating correctly, as well as some map issues. It should now also work between Firered and Leafgreen, as well as between 1.0 and 1.1 versions!
Alpha 1
Current features:
Firered and Leafgreen support
-Both players need to use the same version, as firered 1.0, firered 1.1, leafgreen 1.0, and leafgreen 1.1 use different map offsets.
-Supports hacks that don't edit fundamental data, such as player coordinate addresses.
-Supports randomizers.
2 player support
-Walking and running animations.
-Players can see each other if they are both on the same map.
-Any rendering issues regarding players are purely graphical and will fix upon reloading your game.
-Only supports male sprites
Robust internet support
-Clients will timeout after 600 frames (~10 seconds).
-Clients will only timeout if they are completely unable to receive packages from the host.
-Clients will automatically try to reconnect if they are timed out. The server will automatically make space for new clients once timed out.
Experimental fast forward support
-use fast forward at your own discretion. Be aware that unless both players are using the same speed, it can cause lag or timeouts.