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1816 Plugin

This is the robot position grapher which intakes the x and y coordinates of the robot through a NetworkTable.

What it includes

This project includes the base plugin com.edinarobotics.plugin.Plugin1816 for future development of widgets.

In order to add your widget to the plugin do as such:

return ImmutableList.of(WidgetType.forAnnotatedWidget(insert_YourWidgetClassName.class))

within your getComponents() method in the Plugin class.

It also includes one widget (Robot Grapher) which receives the coordinates of the robot through Networktables and visualizes it on a coordinate plane.

For further information on how to develop a widget (you won't need to know how to make a plugin because it's already made) End-to-end custom widget example.

Compiling your widget

Before compiling your widget and plugin into a jar (or even working on widget), make sure in your build.gradle file that you include these dependencies:

'edu.wpi.first.shuffleboard:api:'  + current-shuffleboard-version
'edu.wpi.first.shuffleboard.plugin:networktables:' + current-shuffleboard-version` 

To compile your widget and the plugin into a jar go into your terminal and redirect the source to your local project and do ./gradlew jar BEFORE you do this, make sure your in your build.gradle file that you have

jar {
    manifest {
        attributes 'com.edinarobotics.plugin.Main-Class' : ''
    baseName = 'RobotGraphWidget'

which allows you to create your jar file, which then you can drag into the 'plugins' folder inside wherever your Shuffleboard folder is located.

Keeping up-to-date

Inside your build.gradle file, particularly the openjfx plugin which includes JavaFX version 11 since Java 11+ no longer includes JavaFX, be sure to change the version to the latest JFX version whenever there is a new release, along with any new Java SDK releases.

The same applies to the Shuffleboard version, which you can also find your running version in the build.gradle file.