This is the robot position grapher which intakes the x and y coordinates of
the robot through a NetworkTable
This project includes the base plugin com.edinarobotics.plugin.Plugin1816
for future development of widgets.
In order to add your widget to the plugin do as such:
return ImmutableList.of(WidgetType.forAnnotatedWidget(insert_YourWidgetClassName.class))
within your getComponents()
method in the Plugin class.
It also includes one widget (Robot Grapher) which receives the coordinates of the robot through Networktables and visualizes it on a coordinate plane.
For further information on how to develop a widget (you won't need to know how to make a plugin because it's already made) End-to-end custom widget example.
Before compiling your widget and plugin into a jar (or even working on widget), make sure in your build.gradle
file that you include these dependencies:
'edu.wpi.first.shuffleboard:api:' + current-shuffleboard-version
'edu.wpi.first.shuffleboard.plugin:networktables:' + current-shuffleboard-version`
To compile your widget and the plugin into a jar go into your terminal and redirect the source
to your local project and do ./gradlew jar
BEFORE you do this, make sure your in your build.gradle
that you have
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'com.edinarobotics.plugin.Main-Class' : ''
baseName = 'RobotGraphWidget'
which allows you to create your jar file, which then you can drag into the 'plugins' folder inside wherever your Shuffleboard folder is located.
Inside your build.gradle
file, particularly the openjfx
plugin which includes JavaFX version 11 since
Java 11+ no longer includes JavaFX, be sure to change the version to the latest JFX version
whenever there is a new release, along with any new Java SDK releases.
The same applies to the Shuffleboard version, which you can also find your running version in the