title | permalink | layout |
About |
/about/ |
page |
- Started in 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, a group of women: "The Pickle Bitches" formed, looking to spend their free time together, regardless of the conditions that the pandemic placed them in. the group has charged themselves with bringing Pickleball to the world. Through their love of pickleball. The bitches are determined to inspire those around them to play pickleball through this website, and their love of the pickleball. This is truly bitchin'.
Just fork this repository and adjust the _config.yml
to use with Github Pages and your page is done.
- supports dark mode on macOS Mojave
- optional sidebar
- MathJax support
- no external ressources
- included archive page
- supports pagination
- feed generation
- responsive
- syntax highlighting
- supports comments via disqus or isso
You can use this theme with the jekyll-remote-theme
plugin. Just create an empty repo, copy over the index.html
file and add this to your _config.yml
remote_theme: niklasbuschmann/[email protected]
- jekyll-remote-theme
Note: to enable icons you also need to copy over the _data
Your _config.yml
could for example look like this:
title: "Blog Title"
author: "Blog Author"
description: "My personal blog about ... something"
permalink: /:title/
lang: "en"
excerpt_separator: "\n\n\n"
date_format: "%B %d, %Y"
# Layout
show_excerpts: true # show article excerpts on the home page
show_frame: true # adds a gray frame to the site
show_sidebar: false # show a sidebar instead of the usual header
# Menu
navigation: # accepts {file, title, url, icon, sidebaricon}
- {file: "index.html"}
- {file: "README.md"}
external: # shows a footer with social links - for available icons see fontawesome.com/icons
- {title: Mail, icon: envelope, url: "mailto:[email protected]"}
- {title: Github, icon: github, url: "https://github.com/niklasbuschmann/contrast"}
- {title: Subscribe, icon: rss, url: "/feed.xml"}
# disqus_shortname: "" # see https://disqus.com/
# isso_domain: "" # see https://posativ.org/isso/
- jekyll-feed
Contrast comes preinstalled with a leightweight alternative to MathJax called KaTeX. To display equations in a post simply set mathjax: true
in the article's front matter.