Welcome to Moshify, a simple website landing page built to learn HTML, CSS, and web development. This project showcases basic web development skills and serves as a practice platform.
🚀 Live Demo 🌐
- Component-Based Development: The project is structured using reusable components to promote modularity and maintainability. 🧩
- Responsive Design: The website is designed to be responsive and accessible on various devices. 📱💻
- Clean Layout: A clean and modern layout to enhance user experience. ✨
- Basic Interactivity: Includes basic interactive elements to demonstrate JavaScript functionality. 🖱️
To view the Moshify website, follow these simple steps:
- Clone the Repository: Clone the project repository from GitHub. 📂
- Open in Browser: Open the
file in your preferred web browser. 🌐
For detailed information on the code and structure of Moshify, please refer to the comments within the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. 📄
Thank you for checking out Moshify! 🙏