Test admin panel website made with Django
- Django
- Tailwind CSS
- If you wish to run your own build, first ensure you have installed Python on your computer globally.
- If everything is installed, clone this repository to your computer:
- Setup dependencies
Cd into the project directory
$ cd icap-test-task
Create a python virtual environment
$ python -m venv env
Activate venv
- Linux
$ source env/bin/activate
- Windows (run the file)
$ env\Scripts\activate.bat
Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the application
- Makefile
or$ make run
- manage.py
$ python manage.py runserver 8000
To apply migrations and create database use following command:
make migrate
python manage.py migrate
- For now, website has no data. To make it look like it has to be, you should type following command in terminal:
make setupdb
python manage.py setup-db
It will activate the script that will automatically set up the database.
- To clean the database use:
make resetdb
python manage.py reset-db
- To use website as administrator you should create a superuser: In terminal write the following command:
$ python manage.py createsuperuser
Follow the steps, suggested by Django and then log in the system (localhost:8000/login/)