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Seminar Oct 25, 2018

Yu Liu edited this page Jan 15, 2019 · 1 revision
Make sure the project has a proper GradleRIO build structure
  • gradlew, gradlew.bat, and gradle/wrapper in project folder
  • build.gradle file contains correct version of GradleRIO plugin and WPILIB/related libraries
  • Java source files are located in src/main/java/frc/team865/robot package directory
  • ROBOT_CLASS constant in build.gradle points to the main robot class
  • The main robot class is a java file stored at the Java sources root and extends IterativeRobot, but should be empty for now
  • The team property also need to be set correctly for it to find the network IP
Try Building the project
  • Either gradlew build in command line or find build->build in the Gradle tab in IntelliJ
  • If libraries not already downloaded, it might not be possible at school
Example Gradle File
plugins {
    id "java"
    id "edu.wpi.first.GradleRIO" version "2018.06.21"

def ROBOT_CLASS = "frc.team865.robot.RobotExample"

// Define my targets (RoboRIO) and artifacts (deployable files)
// This is added by GradleRIO's backing project EmbeddedTools.
deploy {
    targets {
        target("roborio", edu.wpi.first.gradlerio.frc.RoboRIO) {
            // Team can be overridden by command line, for use with VSCode
            team = getTeamOrDefault(865)
    artifacts {
        artifact('frcJava', edu.wpi.first.gradlerio.frc.FRCJavaArtifact) {
            targets << "roborio"
            // Debug can be overridden by command line, for use with VSCode
            debug = getDebugOrDefault(false)

wpi {
    wpilibVersion = "2018.4.1"
    wpiutilVersion = "3.2.0"
    ctreVersion = ''
    ntcoreVersion = "4.1.0"
    cscoreVersion = "1.3.0"
    shuffleboardVersion = '1.3.1'

// Defining my dependencies. In this case, WPILib (+ friends)
dependencies {
    compile wpilib()
    compile ctre()

// Setting up my Jar File. In this case, adding all libraries into the main jar ('fat jar')
// in order to make them all available at runtime. Also adding the manifest so WPILib
// knows where to look for our Robot Class.
jar {
    from configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
    manifest edu.wpi.first.gradlerio.GradleRIOPlugin.javaManifest(ROBOT_CLASS)

task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = '4.7'
The program should now look like this
package frc.team865.robot;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobot;

public class RobotExample extends IterativeRobot {
    // Add code here
  • Inside the brackets we add various procedures that define the behaviour of the robot. These include:
    • robotInit
    • robotPeriodic
    • disabledInit
    • disabledPeriodic
    • teleopInit
    • teleopPeriodic
    • autonomousInit
    • autonomousPeriodic
    • and some other ones
Add the robotInit procedure to our code
package frc.team865.robot;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobot;

public class RobotExample extends IterativeRobot {
    public void robotInit() {
        // add code on robot init
  • Replace the comment with a print
Our current code
package frc.team865.robot;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobot;

public class RobotExample extends IterativeRobot {
    public void robotInit() {
        System.out.println("Hello Robot");
Connect to the robot
  • Start robot with the main circuit breaker
  • Wait until wireless connection shows up to connect (or connect using a cable)
    • Note: the radio needs to be imaged and named the first time we use it
  • Start driver station and read the status lights for comms, robot code, and joysticks
  • Check that it is in TeleOperated mode
  • Click on the settings button to show prints
Robot Safety
  • Make sure the robot space is clear and call out before enabling it
  • Disabling the robot (Anyone running the robot MUST know)
    • Enter key on any screen to normal disable
    • SPACE key on any screen to EMERGENCY disable
Deploy Code
  • Command line: gradlew deploy
  • IntelliJ: Under Gradle tab, double click on embeddedTools > deploy
  • Use discoverRoboRIO to troubleshoot the network
Run code
  • The robot code starts automatically after deploy, calling robotInit
  • Other modes can be selected manually and clicking Enable. In an actual match this is handled by the Field Management
  • If there is an error, it will keep atempting to restart the code
  • Code can be restarted from the driver station
Drive train mechanics
  • The drive train is the most stable mechanism to test things

  • We use differential drive/tank drive/West coast drive

  • Controls left and right side independently

  • Each side has two motors with a gearbox and chains to move multiple wheels

  • The two sides of the drive trains are reversed

Speed Controllers
  • Lets us send digital signals to the motors through code
  • There are many types of speed controllers, each with its own code interface
  • We use one called VictorSPX on our robot
  • In code, we need to specify the pin number connected to the RoboRIO
  • We can then send it a decimal value between -1 and 1 indicating voltage percent
Motor Safety
  • The two motors on each side must be in sync and especially not run against each other!
  • Motors must stop when the robot is disabled
  • Motors should have a dead band to prevent wearing out
Add Speed Controller Library to build script
  • Our type of speed controller requires an external library

In the dependencies section in build.gradle, add this line:

dependencies {
    compile wpilib()
    compile ctre() // Add the Cross The Road Electronics library for speed controller
Create the speed controllers in code

Add the following lines to the robotInit method:

WPI_VictorSPX rightMotor1 = new WPI_VictorSPX(1); // pin = 1
WPI_VictorSPX rightMotor2 = new WPI_VictorSPX(3); // pin = 3

WPI_VictorSPX leftMotor1 = new WPI_VictorSPX(2);
WPI_VictorSPX leftMotor2 = new WPI_VictorSPX(8);
Create speed controller groups
  • Speed controller groups helps to sync multiple motors

Add the following lines to make groups

SpeedControllerGroup rightMotors = new SpeedControllerGroup(rightMotor1,rightMotor2);
SpeedControllerGroup leftMotors = new SpeedControllerGroup(leftMotor1,leftMotor2);
Controlling the left and right motors
  • Use the built-in DifferentialDrive class to help control both sides
  • It automatically inverts the first motor group, so we don't need to do it in our code
  • We will use it after to respond to controllers
DifferentialDrive differentialDrive = new DifferentialDrive(rightMotors, leftMotors);
Our current code
package frc.team865.robot;

import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.WPI_VictorSPX;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobot;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.SpeedControllerGroup;

public class RobotExample extends IterativeRobot {
    public void robotInit() {
        WPI_VictorSPX rightMotor1 = new WPI_VictorSPX(1);
        WPI_VictorSPX rightMotor2 = new WPI_VictorSPX(3);

        WPI_VictorSPX leftMotor1 = new WPI_VictorSPX(2);
        WPI_VictorSPX leftMotor2 = new WPI_VictorSPX(8);

        SpeedControllerGroup rightMotors;
        SpeedControllerGroup leftMotors;
        rightMotors = new SpeedControllerGroup(rightMotor1,rightMotor2);
        leftMotors = new SpeedControllerGroup(leftMotor1,leftMotor2);

        DifferentialDrive differentialDrive;
        differentialDrive = new DifferentialDrive(rightMotors, leftMotors);
Move differential drive variable to class level
  • Right now, it doesn't do anything with the differential drive
  • We need to move it to the class level to make it usable from other methods

Move the line DifferentialDrive differentialDrive; to just after the class declaration, which becomes

private DifferentialDrive differentialDrive;
Make sure to stop the motor when disabled

Add a new procedure into the class:

public void disabledInit() {
Create a controller for the robot
  • We need a controller for the driver to send signals to the robot
  • There are various controllers we could use
  • We will use an Xbox controller

Add a new class member variable under differentialDrive:

private XboxController xboxController;

And initialize it in the robotInit method with its controller port number:

xboxController = new XboxController(0);

Now we are ready to write robot driving code

Add the teleopPeriodic procedure

This section of code will be ran repetitively in the TeleOp mode and will drive the robot

    public void teleopPeriodic() {
        double xSpeed = xboxController.getY(GenericHID.Hand.kLeft);
        double zRotation = xboxController.getX(GenericHID.Hand.kRight);
        boolean isQuickTurn = xboxController.getBumper(GenericHID.Hand.kLeft);
        differentialDrive.curvatureDrive(xSpeed,zRotation, isQuickTurn);

It does the following two things for every iteration (approximately 20ms):

  1. Get inputs from the Xbox Controller
  2. Tell the differentialDrive to perform a curvature drive (also known as Cheesy Drive) with those input values. This built-in function handles the limit, dead band, and motor speed calculations

Specifically, the left Y axis tells the robot how fast to drive, the right X axis tells the robot what the curvature is, and when the left bumper is held down, the robot should turn in-place

Our current code
package frc.team865.robot;

import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.WPI_VictorSPX;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.GenericHID;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobot;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.SpeedControllerGroup;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.XboxController;

public class RobotExample extends IterativeRobot {

    private DifferentialDrive differentialDrive;
    private XboxController xboxController;

    public void robotInit() {
        WPI_VictorSPX rightMotor1 = new WPI_VictorSPX(1);
        WPI_VictorSPX rightMotor2 = new WPI_VictorSPX(3);

        WPI_VictorSPX leftMotor1 = new WPI_VictorSPX(2);
        WPI_VictorSPX leftMotor2 = new WPI_VictorSPX(8);

        SpeedControllerGroup rightMotors;
        SpeedControllerGroup leftMotors;
        rightMotors = new SpeedControllerGroup(rightMotor1,rightMotor2);
        leftMotors = new SpeedControllerGroup(leftMotor1,leftMotor2);

        differentialDrive = new DifferentialDrive(rightMotors, leftMotors);
        xboxController = new XboxController(0);

    public void disabledInit() {
    public void teleopPeriodic() {
        double xSpeed = xboxController.getY(GenericHID.Hand.kLeft);
        double zRotation = xboxController.getX(GenericHID.Hand.kRight);
        boolean isQuickTurn = xboxController.getBumper(GenericHID.Hand.kLeft);

        differentialDrive.curvatureDrive(xSpeed,zRotation, isQuickTurn);
Pneumatics and Gear Shifting
  • We need pneumatics to shift between low and high gear, or when sometimes when it's on neither
  • Use a compressor to compress the air into the air tank and use a solenoid to control the shifting
  • Turn on the compressor at the beginning so it can be charged
  • We want to program it so it can be toggled with the controller

Add two instance variables to the class:

private Compressor compressor;

private Solenoid shifter;

Initialize it in robotInit:

compressor = new Compressor(0); // pin = 0
compressor.setClosedLoopControl(true); //ensures the compressor is turned on at start
shifter = new Solenoid(1); // pin = 1
shifter.set(false); // make sure it's not shifting right now

Add code that controls these in teleopPeriodic


Now we have fully functional TeleOp code.

Our current code
package frc.team865.robot;

import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.WPI_VictorSPX;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.*;

public class RobotExample extends IterativeRobot {

    private DifferentialDrive differentialDrive;
    private XboxController xboxController;
    private Compressor compressor;
    private Solenoid shifter;

    public void robotInit() {
        WPI_VictorSPX rightMotor1 = new WPI_VictorSPX(1);
        WPI_VictorSPX rightMotor2 = new WPI_VictorSPX(3);

        WPI_VictorSPX leftMotor1 = new WPI_VictorSPX(2);
        WPI_VictorSPX leftMotor2 = new WPI_VictorSPX(8);

        SpeedControllerGroup rightMotors;
        SpeedControllerGroup leftMotors;
        rightMotors = new SpeedControllerGroup(rightMotor1, rightMotor2);
        leftMotors = new SpeedControllerGroup(leftMotor1, leftMotor2);

        differentialDrive = new DifferentialDrive(rightMotors, leftMotors);
        xboxController = new XboxController(0);

        compressor = new Compressor(0);

        shifter = new Solenoid(1);

    public void disabledInit() {

    public void teleopPeriodic() {
        double xSpeed = xboxController.getY(GenericHID.Hand.kLeft);
        double zRotation = xboxController.getX(GenericHID.Hand.kRight);
        boolean isQuickTurn = xboxController.getBumper(GenericHID.Hand.kLeft);
        differentialDrive.curvatureDrive(xSpeed, zRotation, isQuickTurn);
Baseline auto
  • The most basic autonomous task in 2018
  • Need to drive forward past the auto line
  • We need to tell the robot how fast to drive and for how long
  • We need to periodically send signals to the motor to indicate we still want it moving for motor safety
  • Use a Timer object to keep track of time

Add the timer in the class declaration (make sure the proper timer in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj package is imported. There are other timers):

private Timer baselineTimer;

Create a new method, autonomousInit. Create and start the timer in there:

public void autonomousInit() {
    baselineTimer = new Timer();

Now create another new method to run periodically:

public void autonomousPeriodic() {
    if (baselineTimer.get() < 3.0){
        differentialDrive.tankDrive(-0.2, -0.2, false);
    } else {
  • This periodic method checks if the timer has reached 3 seconds. If it hasn't, then keep driving. Otherwise stop the program.
Adjusting auto values for safety
  • Currently we have set the Tank Drive power to 20 percent - a very low power
  • Try autonomous programs with smaller values first because we don't know that it works
  • When we see it working, increase the value or the time
Our final code
package frc.team865.robot;

import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.WPI_VictorSPX;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.*;

public class RobotDone extends IterativeRobot {

    private DifferentialDrive differentialDrive;

    private XboxController xboxController;

    private Timer baselineTimer;

    private Compressor compressor;

    private Solenoid shifter;

    public void robotInit() {

        WPI_VictorSPX rightMotor1 = new WPI_VictorSPX(1);
        WPI_VictorSPX rightMotor2 = new WPI_VictorSPX(3);

        WPI_VictorSPX leftMotor1 = new WPI_VictorSPX(2);
        WPI_VictorSPX leftMotor2 = new WPI_VictorSPX(8);

        SpeedControllerGroup rightMotors;
        rightMotors = new SpeedControllerGroup(rightMotor1, rightMotor2);
        SpeedControllerGroup leftMotors;
        leftMotors = new SpeedControllerGroup(leftMotor1, leftMotor2);

        differentialDrive = new DifferentialDrive(rightMotors, leftMotors);
        xboxController = new XboxController(0);

        compressor = new Compressor(0);

        shifter = new Solenoid(1);

    public void disabledInit() {

    public void teleopPeriodic() {
        double xSpeed = xboxController.getY(GenericHID.Hand.kLeft);
        double zRotation = xboxController.getX(GenericHID.Hand.kRight);
        boolean isQuickTurn = xboxController.getBumper(GenericHID.Hand.kLeft);
        differentialDrive.curvatureDrive(xSpeed,zRotation, isQuickTurn);


    public void autonomousInit() {
        baselineTimer = new Timer();

    public void autonomousPeriodic() {
        if (baselineTimer.get() < 3.0){
            differentialDrive.tankDrive(-0.2, -0.2, false);
        } else {
Things to do now
  • Add constants file
  • Organize into subsystems
  • Add other mechanisms
  • Sending data to the driver station
  • Drive for a certain distance