Releases: Team-Neptune/DeepSea
Release 1.5.0
DeepSea v1.5.0 built with:
- Atmosphère - 0.14.0
- Awoo Installer - 1.3.3
- DeepSea Cleaner - v1.1.0
- DeepSea Toolbox - v5.0.0
- DeepSea Updater - 4.2.1
- EdiZon - snapshot
- Emuiibo - 0.5.1
- Goldleaf - 0.8
- Hekate - v5.3.2
- Hekate Icons - v3.0.0
- Homebrew App Store - hbas-2.2
- JKSV - 06.07.2020
- Lockpick_RCM - v1.8.4
- NXMTP - v0.1.4
- Status Monitor Overlay - 0.6.1
- Tesla-Menu - v1.1.3
- ldn_mitm - v1.4.0
- nx-ovlloader - v1.0.6
- ovlSysModules - v1.2.1
- sys-clk - 1.0.0
- sys-con - v0.6.2
- sys-ftpd-light - 1.0.4
Release 1.4.2
DeepSea v1.4.2 built with:
- Atmosphère - 0.13.0
- Awoo Installer - 1.3.3
- DeepSea Cleaner - v1.1.0
- DeepSea Toolbox - v5.0.0
- DeepSea Updater - 4.2.1
- EdiZon - snapshot
- Emuiibo - 0.5.1
- Goldleaf - 0.8
- Hekate - v5.3.0
- Hekate Icons - v3.0.0
- Homebrew App Store - hbas-2.2
- JKSV - 06.07.2020
- Lockpick_RCM - v1.8.4
- NXMTP - v0.1.4
- Status Monitor Overlay - 0.6.1
- Tesla-Menu - v1.1.3
- ldn_mitm - v1.4.0
- nx-ovlloader - v1.0.6
- ovlSysModules - v1.2.1
- sys-clk - 1.0.0
- sys-con - v0.6.2
- sys-ftpd-light - 1.0.3
Since several members of the scene have gotten DMCA complaints by Nintendo because of the patches, we decided to remove them from previous and future builds. A DMCA complaint on Github means that the repository is getting nuked without questions asked and we want to avoid that at all cost.
Patches are not off the table. We are working on it.
Release 1.4.1
Just updated patches
Release 1.4.0
This is release v1.4.0.
- Atmosphére updated to: v0.13.0.
- Added sys-clk-ovleray to over/underclock from within Tesla
- All included Homebrew updated to the latest version
Latest supported Switch firmware version: 10.0.4
Release 1.3.0
This release has some significant changes to the homebrews used. To see whats included, please read the readme. These changes were made based on a poll on our discord server.
We now offer a new "patched" package that enables the installation and usage of your backup and unlawfully obtained games but we still do not condone piracy. The reason we offer this package is because we rather include it ourself instead of letting users go to other sources and use more shady versions of our or other CFW's/packages. Its up to the end user to decide if he wants to be on the good or the bad side, just like in life.
Please join our discord to share your experience and help us to improve this AiO package.
Using the updater in applet mode crashes the system, please use title override!
Release 1.2.0
Our first usable release.
DeepSea v1.2.0 built with:
- Atmosphère - 0.12.0
- Hekate - v5.2.1
- Hekate Icons - v3.0.0
- Homebrew App Store - hbas-2.2
- EdiZon - snapshot
- Emuiibo - 0.5
- Goldleaf - 0.8
- DeepSea Toolbox - v5.0.0
- DeepSea Updater - v4.2.0
- ldn_mitm - v1.3.4
- Lockpick - v1.2.6
- Lockpick_RCM - v1.8.3
- nxdumptool - v1.1.10
- nx-ovlloader - v1.0.6
- ovlSysModules - v1.2.1
- Status Monitor Overlay - 0.6.0
- sys-clk - 0.13.1
- sys-con - v0.6.1
- sys-ftpd-light - 1.0.2
- Tesla-Menu - v1.1.3
Release 1.1.0
v1.1.0 [Auto] bump push after build