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Releases: Team-Neptune/DeepSea

Release v3.2.0

26 Sep 12:45
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Welcome to version 3.2.0 of DeepSea the AiO firmware for the Nintendo Switch!

  • Updated Atmosphère 1.1.1
    * Support was implemented for 13.0.0.
    * The LogManager system module was reimplemented.

  • Updated Hekate 5.6.2
    * HOS 13.0.0 Support
    * Improved error messages for pkg1/pkg2 mismatch

  • Updated DeepSea Assets 1.0.4
    * Support was added for the new 13.0.0 boot logo

  • Updated MissionControl 0.6.0

  • Updated AiO-Switch-Updater 2.14.0

Remember to eat your vegetables!
That's all for this release! Until the next one!

Release v3.1.0

12 Sep 19:15
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Welcome to version 3.1.0 of DeepSea the AiO firmware for the Nintendo Switch!

  • Updated Atmosphère 1.0
    * Atmosphère has changed a lot under the hood for the 1.0.0 release. The best way to update is to remove everything off your sdcard (Excluding the nintendo and emummc folders)
    * Updating via AIO updater could cause issues because of leftover files. Make sure you update manually if experiencing issues.

  • Updated JKSV 09.01.2021
    * Adds Traditional Chinese support back thanks to @qazrfv1234
    * Fixes output paths/title definitions not being read after initial import of old configurations
    * Separates trash bin into sub folders so trashed backups aren't impossible to find.

  • Updated ldn_mitm v1.9.0

  • Updated aio-switch-updater

Thanks for sticking with DeepSea and we'll see you all in the next release!

Release v3.0.1

31 Aug 19:17
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Welcome to version 3.0.1 of DeepSea the AiO firmware for the Nintendo Switch!

  • Updated Atmosphère 0.20.0 and 0.20.1
    * A number of minor issues were fixed, including:
    * An issue was fixed in dns.mitm that caused a crash when games attempted to resolve the IP address of nullptr.
    * An issue was fixed in erpt that would cause an abort when booting without having ever booted stock previously.
    * An issue was fixed in (file-based) emummc that caused an error on system format/downloading certain games.
    * An issue was fixed that caused severely degraded performance after wake-from-sleep on Mariko hardware.
    * General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.

    • Updated Hekate 5.6.0

      • Full support for Switch OLED (Aula)
      • Sept is now completely removed
      • Wrongly flashed pkg1 can now be identified and inform user Erista pkg1 on Mariko or Mariko pkg1 on Erista.
    • Enabled ldn_mitm

    • Enabled sys-con

    • Added back MissionControl

Thanks for all the great support and see you until the next release!

Release v3.0.0

07 Jul 18:55
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We have worked hard on this one but now is the time to present DeepSea 3.0.0

With this version of DeepSea, we have added a new "advanced" package. This package aims to get some weight off the "normal" package's shoulders. We basically removed a few applications that normal people didn't use and put it into a package for "hardcore" users. Of course Atmosphere and Hekate got updated too, so this package is compatible with HOS 12.1.0.

For a list of included Homebrews, please check our readme!

We have also worked together with @HamletDuFromage to integrate our new custom package builder into AiO-Switch-Updater. This means you can either browse our website ( to create your own custom package or use AiO updater to create and update this package whenever you want. All the included homebrews are updated every hour!

We want to thank everyone involved with this, all the awesome homebrew devs for their work and the whole community for supporting us. You are awesome!

Release v2.3.0

09 Jun 17:12
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  • Updated Atmosphere to 0.19.4
    • Support was added for 12.0.3.
    • A number of minor issues were fixed, including:
      • An issue was fixed that could cause heap memory corruption when allocation was highly contended.
      • An issue was fixed that could cause sleep to fail under certain conditions.
      • An issue was fixed that could cause a scheduler slow path to be taken more often than necessary.
  • Updated Hekate to v5.5.7
    • Support for emuMMC and SYS/Emu FS patches like nogc, had to be updated otherwise hekate would throw an error if used.
      v5.5.7 adds full 12.0.3 support for all of that.
    • Added explicit wording in case of overburnt fuses in HW & Fuses info
    • ALS driver updated
    • 5V regulator now disables USB source by default
  • Updated every homebrew to their latest version

Release v2.2.5

13 May 18:55
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  • Updated Atmosphère 0.19.3
    • A number of minor issues were fixed, including:
    • An issue was fixed in dns.mitm that caused a crash when games attempted to resolve the IP address of nullptr.
    • An issue was fixed in erpt that would cause an abort when booting without having ever booted stock previously.
    • An issue was fixed in (file-based) emummc that caused an error on system format/downloading certain games.
    • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
  • Updated Hekate v5.5.6
    • HOS 12.0.2 Support
    • Auto NoGC is now applied if you have 12.0.2 and 14 fuses. That's because 12.0.2 burnt a fuse and brought the total to 15 fuses. If user is still in 12.0.0-12.0.1 you will still need kip1patch=nogc. If updated to 12.0.2, that line can now be removed if wanted. And as always if auto nogc is not wanted, you can disable it in the Options Tab.
    • Fixed Seamless display for L4T Linux/Android. There was an issue where hekate would clear the bootlogo when launching L4T. That is now fixed and the bootlogo will remain until kernel finishes init.
    • Fixed an issue when a kip patch was defined 2 times it would throw an error.

The latest HOS firmware that is supported is: 12.0.2

Release v2.2.4

02 May 18:01
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  • Updated Atmosphère 0.19.
    • Updated the stratosphere component.

Release v2.2.3

30 Apr 18:51
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  • Updated Atmosphère 0.19.2
    • A bug was fixed that caused a black screen when attempting to boot firmware versions 2.0.0-4.1.0.
    • A bug was fixed that caused sm to abort when at the session limit, rather than returning error codes.
    • A bug was fixed that allowed for resource exhaustion on 12.0.0, under certain circumstances.
  • Updated DeepSea Assets to 1.0.1
    • Added support for 12.0.0
  • Updated aio-switch-updater to v2.4.8
    • Fixed crashes when trying to focus empty lists (typically when in airplane mode).

Release v2.2.2

20 Apr 00:22
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  • Updated ldn_mitm to version v1.8.0
    • Added support for 12.0.0
  • Updated Emuiibo v0.6.3
    • Fixed support for latest Atmosphere versions (0.19.x) and for 12.x system updates. Note that this emuiibo version (and next ones) won't work on older Atmosphere versions.

Remember: Love with your heart and use your brain for everything else

Release v2.2.1

14 Apr 18:07
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  • Atmosphere updated to 0.19.1
    • An issue was fixed that caused a fatal error when using official migration services to transfer data between consoles.
    • An issue was fixed in ncm that caused an error when the OS tried to enumerate installed SD card content.