Release v2.0.4
Updated Hekate:
New in this version
- Better user reporting for Mariko Warmboot Storage (MWS) with missing firmware
In case warmboot firmware was not found in MWS cache in SD, it will now notify user that sleep mode will be disabled if continue booting is selected. - EKS for Erista now automatically upgrades itself, in order to fix issues with normal vs r2p paths when it was created with old hekate.
- Main BCT is now checked for improper values before running Sept in Erista
Before, launching Sept in such cases (improper BCT) it would make it black screen.
Now an error will show up that instructs user to run sept with proper BCT at least once, in order to cache keys in EKS. - FatFS now supports simple GPT
In case you mangled your Hybrid MBR, this will allow you to launch Nyx if FAT partition is the first one. - SDSC cards (<= 2GB) are now supported
- Many other bug fixes and improvements
Nyx v1.0.0
Resized RAW emuMMC added in Partition Manager
User can now select one or two resized emuMMC from 4GB to 12GB total. Full emUMMC remains.
This resizes emuMMC USER partition and formats it. Additionally it preserves all PrFile2 SAFE metadata that disallow corruption.
Officially support of that is important, as moving data to emuMMC partition from FAT, doesn't actually make access faster.
Save data is kept in USER, so make sure you select a size based on needs. Use a tool if transfer of SYS saves to resized EMU is needed.
(File based resized emuMMC is not supported yet. You can use another tool to resize it.) -
eMMC/SD Benchmark IOPS test added
Added 4KB Sequential and Random IOPS and Rate measurements.
They are faster than before because now it reads 1GB for Sequential big blocks and 512MB for 4KB.
Additional changes:
- FatFS now supports simple GPT. This will allow you to fix Hybrid MBR in case it was wiped
Additionally, Fix Hybrid MBR was changed to allow it to run even if FAT partition is not the first one in GPT.
The fat partition needs to be named hos_data in GPT in order for the tool to pick it up. - eMMC info now shows Write Cache size and also Enhanced area size (which can tell if nands are SLC/MLC/TLC/etc)
- emuMMC migration now shows status and also updates the main window
- Partition Manager and Dump Pkg1/2 swapped places in their tabs
- Joycon BT pairing dumping explicitly tells if it succeeded or failed
- Many bug fixes and improvements to partition manager and others
Please check out our previous changelogs to see what was done in 2.0.0 and up.