A Spring Boot-based backend application designed to handle core banking functionalities, including account management, complex fee management with proper distributions, transactions, balance inquiries and others. This project focuses on providing a secure and efficient API-driven system for core banking operations. Being a core engine, efficient transaction occuring while facilitating complex charge policies is prioratized here. No forntend is focused in the project.
- Account Management: Create, update, and delete customers.
- Multiple account creation under the same customer.
- Multiple types of transaction type creation.
- Based on transaction types, complex charging policies can be applied.
- Separate multiple account maintaining for all the targeted recipients of the charges.
- Realtime distrubution of charge fees among all the taregeted accounts at the same time the transaction occurs.
- Transaction Handling: Perform deposits, withdrawals.
- Balance Inquiry: Check account balances in real-time.
- Secure APIs: As this application won't be directly accessed to the customers or other business users, basic authentication is applied.
- Java 21
- Spring Boot 3.4.1
- Spring Data JPA (Hibernate)
- MySQL (Database)
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Tanjemul/core-banking-system.git
Navigate to the project directory: cd \CBS
Configure the database: Update application.yaml with your database credentials. This project uses mysql database.
Build and run the project:
./mvn clean ./mvn dependency:tree ./mvn spring-boot:run
The complete API documentation is available here.
You can explore all endpoints, parameters, and responses interactively.