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Shader layout

Mathis Lamidey edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 7 revisions

There are only 4 sets available in MRG shaders. Only 3 of these sets are currently used and 2 are user editable.

  • Set 0 is defined by the engine for per-frame data and only contains Time data for now. It can be omitted if unused, and looks like this:
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform TimeData {
    vec4 timeScales;
} u_TimeData;

(variable and struct names can change).

  • Set 1 is used for per-scene data, and contains the following information as of now:
layout(set = 1, binding = 0) uniform SceneLights {
    DirectionalLight directional;
    PointLight pointLights[MC_POINT_LIGHT_COUNT];
    uint pointLightCount;
} u_SceneLights;

(The DirectionalLight and PointLight structs are defined in ../definitions.glsl).

  • Set 2 is completely up to user, and contains per-material data. Use the Material API (Material::uploadUniform, Material::BindTexture, ...) to use these slots.
  • Set 3 is used for per-object data, and can be customized as well, but is has to have the following definition in slot 0:
layout(set = 3, location = 0) uniform ModelData {
    mat4 modelMatrix;
} u_ModelData;

The rest of the slots for this set can be user defined, and should be used with the RenderObject API (RenderObject::uploadUniform, RenderObject::BindTexture, ...)

The push constants are reserved for camera data, like so:

layout(push_constant) uniform CameraData {
    mat4 viewProjectionMatrix;
    vec4 worldPos;
} pc_CameraData;
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