<0-1> - enable or disable player burn by picking up the ghost
<0-100> - chance what player will be exploded by picking up the ghost in percent
<0-1> - enable or disable full weapon unlock
sm_xp - Show or manipulate players' XP
- Show XP for all players.
- Show XP for a specific player.
- Set XP for a player.
<+/-> - Add or subtract XP from a player.
* <+/-> - Adjust XP for all players.
<jinrai/nsf> - Set or adjust XP for a team.
show info about player who killed you
calcs fibonacci sequence. Usage: !fib <numbеr>
sm_neotokyo_balance_threshold <1-10> - The difference in player count between teams before balance is triggered
sm_neotokyo_balance_enabled <0-1> - Enable or disable team autobalancing
nt_adminkey - set auth password for players to become admins.
This plugin bans a player for 5 minutes if they kill all their teammates within 5 seconds using non-grenade weapons.
adds shot info on !hit
sm_hitmarker <0-1> - enable or disable plugin
sv_hitmarkeradminonly <0-1> - restrict command to admins only
sv_hitmarkersay <0-1> - add !hit description broadcast
sm_god <0-1> - enable or disable godmode
nt_weaponenabled <0-1> - Enable or disable the plugin nt_weaponadmin <0-1> - Restrict the !weapon command to admins only nt_weaponbroadcast <0-1> - Broadcast the existence of the !weapon command to all players sm_allowghost <0-1> - Enable or disable the ghost in the weapon menu (default 0)