released this
21 Aug 21:12
version 0.3.0 - 20190821
Added sampler
with a variety of data-space sampling algorithms:
metropolis-hastings sampling as a multiserver tool
ray-based sampling using the 'Sampler' infrastructure
Sampler is a subclass of Renderer that supports integration with active-Vis operators
active-Vis operators to implement sampling based on isosurface crossing and significant changes to gradient
interpolation of a scalar field onto a set of samples (as a multiserver tool)
Support for vector-valued volumes
added JSON format for volume description files that implements 'number of components' field
Initial implementation of RungeKutta operator to trace streamlines in vector volumes
also 'TraceToPathLines' opewrtor to convert RungeKutta results to path lines for rendering
Added schlieren
to provide multi-hued Schlieren and shadowgraph-style rendering
also implemented 'float-image' output (in FITS format)
Added ospray
modules for class overrides to the underlying OSPRay rendering engine
Separated data-generation and data-management tools into data
from apps
Added Docker containers:
: contains pre-built version of galaxy in CentOS linux
: contains pre-requisites for galaxy build in CentOS linux
Added unit testing framework
Renamed async
app and associated source to gxyviewer
Renamed vis
app and associated source to gxywriter
Renamed mh
app and associated source to mhwriter
Renamed amh
app and associated source to mhviewer
updated third-party/ispc to download v1.10.0
updated third-party/embree to use v3.5.2
updated third-party/ospray to use v1.7.3
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