The shared styles for TACC WMA Workspace Portals & Websites
- Core CMS, the base CMS code for TACC WMA CMS Websites
- Core Portal, the base Portal code for TACC WMA CMS Websites
- Core Components, the UI components for Core Portal and TUP UI
- TUP UI, the client code for TACC User Portal
- TACC Docs, the documentation for TACC
- and, indirectly, DesignSafe User Guide
- Tapis Authenticator, the web server for Tapis v3 auth
- Hazmapper, a TACC application for geospatial data
- DesignSafe Portal, the DesignSafe-CI Portal code
This is likely the easier and simpler solution. Try this first.
Install with any package manager e.g.:
npm install @tacc/core-styles
yarn add @tacc/core-styles
Import stylesheets of either type:
- pre-compiled, from
- source files, from
- pre-compiled, from
Via Your Environment's PostCSS
Please review the plugins expected.
const buildStylesheets = require('core-styles').buildStylesheets;
// Parse CSS files from which directory (required)
// Output CSS files to which directory (required)
// List of YAML config files (optional)
// (The first file is merged on top of the base config.)
// (Each successive file overwrites the file before it.)
// SEE:
customConfigs: [
// The "base" config is `/.postcssrc.base.yml`
// Print more info from build log (optional, default: false)
verbose: true,
// Print version of this software (optional, default: false)
version: true,
// Any value to help identify the build (optional, default: app version)
buildId: process.env.npm_package_version + someUniqueId,
Usage: core-styles [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
build [options] build stylesheets with TACC standard process:
- "post-css" plugins
- custom input path
- custom output path
- custom configs
- prepend build id
help [command] display help for command
core-styles build
Usage: core-styles build [options]
build stylesheets with TACC standard process:
- "post-css" plugins
- custom input path
- custom output path
- custom configs
- prepend build id
-i, --input <path> parse source at which path¹
-o, --output <path> output CSS files to which path¹
-v, --verbose print more info during build process
-c, --custom-configs <paths...> extend base config with YAML files²³
-b, --build-id <identifier> any value to identify the build (default: version of app)
-m, --base-mirror-dir <path> if input folder structure is mirrored, this path is not⁴
-h, --help display help for command
¹ Folder structure of "--input-dir" mirrored in "--output-dir" i.e.
given input
- "input_dir/x.css"
- "input_dir/sub_dir_a/y.css"
- "input_dir"
- "input_dir/**/*"
expect output
- "output_dir/x.css"
- "output_dir/sub_dir_a/y.css"
- "output_dir/..." (all files from input not in sub-directories)
- "output_dir/.../..." (all files from input as nested)
² The file formats are like ".postcssrc.yml" from
³ The first file is merged on top of the base config.
Each successive file overwrites the file before it.
⁴ Given '-i "a/b*" -o "x/" -m "a/"' output is "x/b/...".
Given '-i "a/b*" -o "x/" -m "a/b/"' output is "x/...".
Given '-i "a/b*" -o "x/" -m "not-a/"' output is "x/abs-path-to-input/...".
- Nodejs 15.x
(initially) Install dependencies:
npm ci
(optional) Make changes to
files. -
Build the styles*:
npm run build:css
Build and preview the styles*:
npm start
(to debug) Review output in respective
* Stylesheets are built from source files in src/lib
directory to compiled files in dist
Build stylesheets and build static demo:
npm run build
Run the static demo:
npx serve demo
Web page will live-reload on demo build, but not on change of source files.
Open the web interface. The build command will output the URL (and may even open it for you).
Run each of these commands in its own terminal.
Build stylesheets and re-build on change:
npm run watch
Run the auto-refresh demo:
npm run start
Web page will live-reload twice on change of source files. The second reload will show changes.
npm run build:css
npm run build:css -- --build-id="..."
All testing is done manually.
The Core Styles are not independently deployed.
Currently, the demo is served by Core CMS (since v3.9.0).
Later, the demo may be deployed indpendently and core-styles.….css
served from a CDN.
To contribute, first read How to Contribute.
We manually release versions of Core-Styles. Read more.
Core Styles had been an effort to replace Bootstrap. Core Styles is compatible with Bootstrap. Core Styles skins only some Bootstrap components. Learn more.