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A Ruby on Rails boilerplate which contains web and api creation environment for quick rails app creation.

Installation Steps

Step 1 - Install prerequisites

Install Ruby-2.6.3

rvm install 2.6.3

Step 2 - Clone the Repository

git clone ror_plus

Step 3 - Setup credentials master key

Open this project and create a file in config folder with name 'master.key' and put 'e892b91452fe10406eb557b3d2e663cc' in it

As this master key is published here so we have to change this to another one. To do that we will create new rails application by running

rails new testing_app
cd testing_app
EDITOR="vi" bin/rails credentials:edit

Paste following credentials to it:

  base_url: 'http://localhost:3000'
  api_client_id: 'ror_plus'
  api_client_secret: 'HDFkfRorPlus645'
  api_hmac_secret: 'HfgisL637'

Save the changes.

Now you have another master.key and encrypted credentials in this testing_app repository. Copy them from this project and paste in our ror_plus project and Done.

Step 4 - Rename it to your Project name

Initially your project name will be ror_plus

cd ror_plus
bundle install
rails g rename:into your_project_name

a. This will create a project with 'your_project_name'. Open newly created project in editor and check database.yml and .ruby-version for correct database and gemset name

b. Change directory by cd to newly created project in terminal

c. Now run

gem install bundler
bundle install

Step 5 - Setup Api Environment

generate authorization key by running following command in rails console


You have to pass this Authorization key in every api call.

User's login, signup and logout apis are already there. You can customize the fields as per your requirements.

In this Api environment we have used JWT authenication.

This boilerplate consist following things configured in it

  • Letter Opener: All your emails in development environment will get displayed in your browser instead of actually delivered to the email. This way you can check that all emails are getting sent properly.
  • HAML for html templates integration
  • Devise for users authentication
  • API environment setup with Grape and Swagger to create APIs
  • JWT authentication for APIs
  • Swagger for listing Api Doc and provides UI to call apis from there itself
  • Constants configuration
  • Bootstrap v4


Pradeep Agrawal


This project is released under the MIT License.


Production ready boilerplate for RoR web application






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