The goal of LanduseHanneProblem is to generate an interesting model with the Vilhelmsborg area for this purposes
- Sets:
$Cells,$ : Vertex set of the spatial graph. LandusesLanduses: Name of possible land uses. -
$E$ : Edges, conections between cells -
$Landuses$ : Potential landuses of each cell
- Parameters:
$Richness_{c,l}$ : Number of species in each cell$c$ for each land use$l$ . -
$PhyloDiversity_{c,l}$ : Phylogenetic diversity in each cell$c$ for each land use$l$ . -
$TransitionCost{c,l}$ : Cost of transforming a cell$c$ to land use$l$ . -
$SpatialContiguityBonus$ : Bonus for adjacent cells with the same landuse. -
$b$ : Budget.
- Decision Variables:
$LanduseDecision_{c, l}$ : Binary decision variable indicating whether land use$l$ is chosen for cell$c$ .
- Objective Function:
$\begin{align*} \text{Maximize } & \text{ConservationIndex} \ & = \sum_{l \in \text{Landuses}} \sum_{c \in \text{Cells}} \text{LanduseDecision}{l,c} \cdot \text{Richness}{l,c} \cdot \text{PhyloDiversity}{l,c} \ & \quad + \text{SpatialContiguityBonus} \cdot \sum{(i,j) \in E} \sum_{l \in \text{Landuses}} \text{LanduseDecision}{l,i} \cdot \text{LanduseDecision}{l,j} \end{align*}$
- Proportional Use Constraint:
$\text{Subject to ProportionalUse}{c}: \sum{l \in \text{Landuses}} \text{LanduseDecision}{l,c} \cdot \text{SuitabilityLanduse}{l,c} = 1 \quad \forall c \in \text{Cells}$
- Budget Constraint:
$\text{Subject to Budget}: \sum_{l \in \text{Landuses}} \sum_{c \in \text{Cells}} \text{LanduseDecision}{l,c} \cdot \text{TransitionCost}{l,c} = b$
- Minimum Cells per landuse Contraint:
$\text{Subject to MinimumCellsPerLandUse}{l}: \sum{c \in \text{Cells}} \text{LanduseDecision}_{l, c} \geq 1 \quad \forall l \in \text{Landuses}$
The Proportional Use constraint ensures that for each cell, the sum of the decision variables weighted by suitability is equal to 1,indicating that exactly one land use is chosen for each cell.
The Budget constraint ensures that the total cost of transitioning cells
to their chosen land uses does not exceed the budget
Minimum Cells per landuse Contraint ensures that we at least have a certain number of each landuse
This model can be solved using linear programming techniques to find the optimal land-use decisions that maximize the conservation index within the given budget.
All this is summarized in this code for ampl
set Cells; # vertex set of the spacial graph
set Landuses; # Name of possible Landuses
set E within {Cells,Cells}; # Connections between cells
param Richness {Landuses, Cells}; # Number of species in each cell for each landuse
param PhyloDiversity {Landuses,Cells}; # Phylogenetic diversity in each cell for each landuse
param TransitionCost {Landuses, Cells}; # Cost of transforming a cell to this landuse
param b; #budget
param SpatialContiguityBonus; # Bonus for adjacent cells with the same landuse
var LanduseDecision {l in Landuses, c in Cells} binary; # decision on which landuse to use for cell
maximize ConservationIndex:
sum{l in Landuses, c in Cells} LanduseDecision[l,c]*Richness[l,c]*PhyloDiversity[l,c] +
SpatialContiguityBonus * sum{(i,j) in E, l in Landuses} LanduseDecision[l,i] * LanduseDecision[l,j];
subj to PropotionalUse{c in Cells}:
sum{l in Landuses} LanduseDecision[l,c] <= 1;
# Ensure that at least x cells are selected for each land use
subj to MinimumCellPerLandUse{l in Landuses}:
sum{c in Cells} LanduseDecision[l, c] >= 1;
subj to Budget:
sum{l in Landuses, c in Cells} LanduseDecision[l,c]*TransitionCost[l,c] = b;
For this we will use the following R packages
#> terra 1.7.62
#> Attaching package: 'tidyterra'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter
First we start generating the Phylogenetic diversity stack:
PD <- list.files(path = "Vilhelmsborg_test/", pattern = "^PD_.*\\.tif$", full.names = T) |> rast()
PDNames <- list.files(path = "Vilhelmsborg_test/", pattern = "^PD_.*\\.tif$", full.names = F) |>
stringr::str_remove_all(".tif") |>
names(PD) <- PDNames
This dataset looks like this:
This is problematic, since we need that if there are some NAs in layers where other cells have values, this will generate a problem, to solve that we use the following code
# Turn all NAs into 0
PD[] <- 0
# The make a raster where you sum all the values
SumPD <- app(PD, sum)
# Finally where everything is 0 based on SumPD, turn it back to NA
PD[SumPD == 0] <- NA
With this we change the layer into this figure:
Now all the cells that have a value in one landuse will have a value in all landuses, but all other cells are just NA to avoid having to take more decisions than necessary.
We also need to normalize of values from 0 to 1, in order to then compare it later with Richness, as this give equal weight to both layers
NormPD <- round((PD/max(minmax(PD))), 2)
This results in the following plot:
We use the same code for richness
Richness <- list.files(path = "Vilhelmsborg_test/", pattern = "^richness_.*\\.tif$", full.names = T) |> rast()
RichnessNames <- list.files(path = "Vilhelmsborg_test/", pattern = "^richness_.*\\.tif$", full.names = F) |>
stringr::str_remove_all(".tif") |>
names(Richness) <- RichnessNames
# Turn all NAs into 0
Richness[] <- 0
# The make a raster where you sum all the values
SumRichness <- app(Richness, sum)
# Finally where everything is 0 based on SumPD, turn it back to NA
Richness[SumRichness == 0] <- NA
NormRichness <- round((Richness/max(minmax(Richness))), 2)
This turns into the following figure:
n_cell <- sum(![[1]])))
the number of cells where desicions can be taken are 113
# Define Cells
TroublemakeR::define_cells(Rasterdomain = NormPD[[1]], name = "Problem2")
# Define Edges
TroublemakeR::find_connections(Rasterdomain = NormPD[[1]], name = "Problem2")
TroublemakeR::landuse_names(landuses = PDNames, name = "Problem2")
TroublemakeR::species_suitability(Rastercurrent = NormPD, species_names = PDNames, parameter = "PhyloDiversity", name = "Problem2")
TroublemakeR::species_suitability(Rastercurrent = NormRichness, species_names = RichnessNames, parameter = "Richness", name = "Problem2")
TroublemakeR::write_ampl_lines("param TransitionCost default 1", name = "Problem2")
TroublemakeR::write_ampl_lines("param b := 100", name = "Problem2")
TroublemakeR::write_ampl_lines("param SpatialContiguityBonus := 0.2", name = "Problem2")
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:terra':
#> intersect, union
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
Solution2 <- read_table("Solution2.txt",
col_names = FALSE) |> magrittr::set_colnames(c("cell", "landuse", "des")) |> dplyr::filter(des == 1)
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> cols(
#> X1 = col_double(),
#> X2 = col_character(),
#> X3 = col_double()
#> )
Solution1 <- read_table("Solution1.txt",
col_names = FALSE) |> magrittr::set_colnames(c("cell", "landuse", "des")) |> dplyr::filter(des == 1)
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> cols(
#> X1 = col_double(),
#> X2 = col_character(),
#> X3 = col_double()
#> )
Temp2 <- PD[[1]]
values(Temp2) <- NA
values(Temp2)[Solution2$cell] <- Solution2$landuse
Temp1 <- PD[[1]]
values(Temp1) <- NA
values(Temp1)[Solution1$cell] <- Solution1$landuse
Both <- c(Temp1, Temp2)
names(Both) <- c("Bonus_0", "Bonus_0.2")
ggplot() + geom_spatraster(data = Both) + facet_wrap(~lyr) + theme_void()