This is a classroom website made with react.js and firebase.
- Logging through google
- Creating a new class
- Join Class:Only the students with the correct class id and teacher email can join a class
- Announcements: Only the teacher can make announcement or upload the resources. The student can only view the announcements and can download the file.
- Note app: This is a voice to next note app where the student can convert the lecture which the teacher conducts through meet/zoom/Ms Tems into text and then further it can be printed or saved as pdf.
- Redirecting
- Privacy as the joined students can only see the announcements.
The 1st page is the login page. After logging , it redirects us to the home page which shows all the joined classes. Here a person can create or join a class. After creating a class the teacher can make announcements . The student can join the same class with the class code and then can view the announcements. Apart from this , it has an additional feature of Voice to text app, where the student can convert the lecture(i.e Speech) which the teacher conducts through meet/zoom/MS Teams into text and then further it can be printed or saved as pdf.
The /Classroom contains the code for the classroom creation,joining and announcements and the /NoteApp contains the code for Note App.
1.Login page:
2. Home Page:
3. Header
4. Join and Create class Dialog:
5. Create a class:
6. Join a Class:
7. Announcements:
8. Note App