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Ilya Radchenko edited this page Apr 14, 2016 · 7 revisions

If your project matches the detection rules of a plugin, the associated commands are run. If no plugins are matched, then nothing is run, and the build fails.

As of v1.6.0, Strider has a built-in plugin manager available to admins from which plugins can be installed, uninstalled, and upgraded. The official plugin index used by the plugin manager can be viewed here

Installed by Default

default (node)

detection rules

  • presence of package.json

prepare commands

  • npm install

test command

  • npm tests

detection rules

  • presence of requirements.txt

prepare command

  • pip install

test command

  • ./ test

This plugin allows you to run custom scripts

  • before cloning the repo
  • after cloning before testing
  • as tests
  • as deploy
  • as cleanup

Exiting any of the scripts with a non-zero value with report a failed test. To check the return value of commands (such as other scripts) you run in the script check the $rc and exit accordingly:

if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then
    echo 'failingScript failed'
    exit $rc

Other plugins

detection rules

  • presence of .travis.yml