build: add debian packaging files #411
Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request
Jan 1, 2025 in 5m 1s
Build Passed
The build passed, just like the previous build.
This is a pull request build.
It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #411 build: add debian packaging files.
Any changes that have been made to the master branch before the build ran are also included.
Jobs and Stages
This build only has a single job.
You can use jobs to test against multiple versions of your runtime or dependencies, or to speed up your build.
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Node.js |
Operating System | Linux (Xenial) |
Node.js Version | 8 |
Build Configuration
"language": "node_js",
"os": [
"dist": "xenial",
"node_js": [
"jobs": {
"include": [
"os": "linux",
"dist": "xenial",
"sudo": true,
"services": [
"env": [
"global": [
"BUILD_OS": "linux"
"before_install": [
"if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then brew update; fi",
"if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then brew install p7zip awscli; fi",
"if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then npm -g install appdmg; fi",
"if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then source ./mac/keychain_profile; fi",
"sudo pip install --upgrade s3cmd"
"install": [
"echo \"Nothing to do for install\""
"script": [
"export NODE_BIN_PATH=$(dirname `which node`)",
"if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then source mac/mac_profile; fi",
"mkdir -p packages",
"export DESTDIR=`realpath packages`",
"export TAG=${TAG:-$TRAVIS_BRANCH}",
"echo \"> building from TAG $TAG\"",
"echo \"> Using node $(node --version)\"",
"if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"linux\" ]; then export DISTROS=`ls distros`; for i in $DISTROS; do echo \"Building for distro $i...\" && ./dist-utils/ $i -d $DESTDIR -t $TAG; done fi",
"if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then ( qmake . && make ); fi",
"if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then ./mac/ \"$TAG\"; fi",
"if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then ( ./ & sleep 10 && STREMIO_PID=$! && kill $STREMIO_PID ); fi",
"if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then ./mac/; fi",
"export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-west-1",
"if [ \"$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST\" = \"false\" ]; then export DEPLOY=true; else export DEPLOY=false; fi",
"echo \"Deploy for build is $DEPLOY...\"",
"if [ \"$DEPLOY\" = \"true\" ] && [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then s3cmd --acl-public --access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --force --region=$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION --add-header=Cache-Control:max-age=7200 put ./dist-osx/*.dmg s3://stremio-artifacts/shell-osx-old/$TAG/; fi",
"if [ \"$DEPLOY\" = \"true\" ] && [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"linux\" ]; then shopt -s nullglob; for package in $DESTDIR/*.{deb,pkg.tar.zst,rpm}; do echo Uploading package to$TAG/$package; s3cmd --acl-public --access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --force --region=$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION --add-header=Cache-Control:max-age=7200 put \"$package\" s3://stremio-artifacts/shell-linux/$TAG/; done; fi"
"notifications": {
"slack": [
"rooms": [
"template": [
"%{repository}@%{branch}: build <%{build_url}|#%{build_number}> (<%{compare_url}|%{commit}>) by %{author} %{result} in %{duration}\n%{message} - %{commit_message}\""