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Flappy Bird Project Using VHDL

CENG 3430 Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems

Project Overview

Flappy bird was a successful mobile game launched in 2013 and generated 50 million downloads by early January 2014 (Dogtiev, 2020). It is a 2D game in which the player controls the bird, which constantly moves to the right. The player should navigate the bird through the pipes. The pipes are of random heights but with equally sized gaps. The bird will ascend only if the player touches the screen. Otherwise, it will fall to the ground. Each time the bird passes through the pipe, one point will be rewarded to the player. If the bird hits a pipe or falls to the ground, the game ends.

In this project, I will build a VHDL version of this game using ZedBoard, PmodSSD, and a VGA display, and the knowledge learned from this course.

Moreover, I would like to game to another level by adding background colors and cloud images, similar to the original game. I believe that adding those things shall make the game look more pleasing to the eye.