Backend and web app for Steer Clear student ride request service
Add ride queue filtering by on/off campus
Change using Floats to store lat/long to using Decimals
Write tests for cookie remember duration
Make sure student users can't access ride queue page
Replace temp secret key with secure key
Create custom api exceptions
add api key for google distancematrix api
##Database Setup and Configuration
You need to install the mysql-server and mysql-client
Start the mysql server
# On Linux
$ sudo service mysql start
# On Mac
$ sudo mysql.server start
# Another way on Mac
$ sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe
# On Windows
$ "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysqld"
Use the mysql client to login as the root user of the mysql server and create 2 databases. 1 for production and 1 for testing
Optional: Create a new user who has privileges over the 2 databases
The script /scripts/setup_db.sql will create 2 databases (db and test) and a new user (steerclear with password St33rCl3@r) automatically. To run it, use the mysql client as the root user
# On both Windows and Mac/Linux
$ mysql -u root -p < scripts/setup_db.sql
Enter Password: root_user_password_here
In *steerclear/settings/ replace the following with your mysql user username, password, and database names
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql+mysqldb://username:password@localhost/db_name'
TEST_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql+mysqldb://username:password@localhost/test_db_name'
If you ran the setup_db.sql script it should look like the first 2 lines in /steerclear/settings/
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql+mysqldb://steerclear:St33rCl3@r@localhost/db'
TEST_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql+mysqldb://steerclear:St33rCl3@r@localhost/test'
Since we are using mysql, you might need to specify the amount of time database connections are allowed to be idle before being refreshed ( There is a flag in steerclear/settings/ that you can modify
##Setup and Installation
project and cd
into directory
Create virtualenv
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages env
Activate virtualenv
$ source env/bin/activate
Install requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create/Sync Database
$ python db migrate
$ python db upgrade
Check that all tests pass
$ nosetests
Run app
# will run server on port 5000 by default
$ python
# will run server on specified port number and in debug mode
$ python --port port_number --debug
*NOTE: You need the config file for backend to work. Get from one of the repo overseers. Alternatively, you can create your own default settings file and fill in the corresponding values using steerclear/settings/ file as a template
To run tests use nosetests
$ nosetests
There a few helpful scripts for doing things such as creating a new user or ride request
Creates the production and test databases
creates a new user, steerclear, that has privileges over both databases
mysql server must be running
- Creates and sets up the data model tables in the database
- TODO: Change to use database migration
- Creates a new ride request object by making http requests to the server
- server must be running
- Send a notification to a Ride requests' User by making http requests to the server
- server must be running
- Creates a new User
- Prompts for username/phone/role input
- Displays message if user already exists
- Creates a new Ride request
- Makes an existing user an admin if they aren't already one
Login is done with a valid w&m account username and password.
- Returns the login page
- Route to actually log a user in
- Takes a form with a username and password field.
- On success, redirects to index page.
- On failure, returns login page again and 400 status code
- requires user to be logged in
- Logs the current user out of the system
You can register a new user (assuming the user does not already exist) by making a simple POST request with a username, password, and phone field. The new user will have all api permissions that a student has
- Creates a new user.
- Takes a form with a username and password and a phone field.
- phone field must be a valid phone number string (i.e. +1xxxyyyzzzz)
- If the user already exists return the register page again and a 409 status code
- TODO add error message
Desktop app that allows steerclear drivers to log in and manage the queue of ride requests
- requires driver be logged in
- Returns the ride request queue management page (not really implemented yet)
- All API routes require that the user be logged in
- All API routes are prefixed by /api/
- Some API routes require the user to have certain permissions (e.x. be a student, be an admin, etc...)
Ride request objects have several fields:
id: id number of the ride object in the queue
num_passengers: number of passengers in the ride request
start_latitude: latitude coordinate for the pickup location
start_longitude: longitude coordinate for the pickup location
end_latitude: latitude coordinate for the dropoff location
end_longitude: longitude coordinate for the dropoff location
pickup_time: estimated pickup time as a datetime object
travel_time: estimated time it will take in seconds to go from pickup location to dropoff location
dropoff_time: estimated time for arriving at the dropoff location as a datetime object
pickup_address: the string address of the pickup location for the request
dropoff_address: the string address of the dropoff location for the request
on_campus: boolean flag indicating if a ride request is on campus or off campus. On campus rides are classified as rides whose pickup_loc is on the main wm campus
API endpoint for getting, updating, and deleting ride requests. student users are only allowed to access ride requests they have requested. If a student attempts to access a ride request they have not placed, a 403 is returned
Sample request GET /api/rides/2:
"ride": {
"dropoff_address": "1234 Richmond Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185, USA",
"dropoff_time": "Wed, 12 Aug 2015 05:33:08 -0000",
"end_latitude": 37.2809,
"end_longitude": -76.7197,
"id": 1,
"num_passengers": 3,
"pickup_address": "2006 Brooks Street, Williamsburg, VA 23185, USA",
"pickup_time": "Wed, 12 Aug 2015 05:29:09 -0000",
"start_latitude": 37.2735,
"start_longitude": -76.7196,
"travel_time": 239,
"on_campus": true
- Returns the ride request object with the corresponding ride_id
- ride_id is an integer
- returns 404 if the ride request does not exist
- Deletes the ride request with id ride_id
- Returns status code 204 on success
- If there is no ride request object with the ride_id, return 404
API endpoint for getting the lists of all ride requests or creating a new ride request.
Sample Response:
"rides": [
"dropoff_address": "1234 Richmond Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185, USA",
"dropoff_time": "Wed, 12 Aug 2015 05:33:08 -0000",
"end_latitude": 37.2809,
"end_longitude": -76.7197,
"id": 1,
"num_passengers": 3,
"pickup_address": "2006 Brooks Street, Williamsburg, VA 23185, USA",
"pickup_time": "Wed, 12 Aug 2015 05:29:09 -0000",
"start_latitude": 37.2735,
"start_longitude": -76.7196,
"travel_time": 239,
"on_campus": true
"dropoff_address": "1234 Richmond Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185, USA",
"dropoff_time": "Wed, 12 Aug 2015 05:40:34 -0000",
"end_latitude": 37.2809,
"end_longitude": -76.7197,
"id": 2,
"num_passengers": 3,
"pickup_address": "2006 Brooks Street, Williamsburg, VA 23185, USA",
"pickup_time": "Wed, 12 Aug 2015 05:36:35 -0000",
"start_latitude": 37.2735,
"start_longitude": -76.7196,
"travel_time": 239,
"on_campus": true
- Returns the queue of ride requests as a json object
If you add the location query string parameter, you can filter the ride requests that are returned to you
setting location=on_campus returns the list of ride requests that are on campus
setting location=off_campus returns the list of ride requests that are off campus
only admin users can access this route
Creates a new ride request
Returns the created ride object on success (this will most likely change to just returning the created ride id).
returns error code 400 on failure
ride requests that are outside the radius that steerclear services are ignored
Expects a form with the following fields
num_passengers: number of passengers in the ride request
start_latitude: latitude coordinate for the pickup location
start_longitude: longitude coordinate for the pickup location
end_latitude: latitude coordinate for the dropoff location
end_longitude: longitude coordinate for the dropoff location
API endpoint for sending sms notifications to Users. At the moment, sms messages will only be sent successfully to Users who have verified their phone number with the SteerClear Twilio account
- only admin users can access this route
- Sends an sms message to a User
- takes a ride_id field which is the integer of the Ride object you wish to notify. (The User who made the Ride object is stored in the Ride object so we get which User to notify from the Ride object)
- On success, returns 201 status code
- On Failure, returns 400 or 500