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Releases: SonarSource/sonar-iac

27 May 13:02
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Release notes - SonarIac - 1.31


SONARIAC-1322 Empty file suffixes are not substituted with defaults with SQ 10.4

SONARIAC-1392 Should not throw parse exception strconv.Atoi when read _resources.tpl

SONARIAC-1485 Docker parser should not create invalid offset on multiline bash script


SONARIAC-437 S6258 should not raise on Azure Storage Account logging

SONARIAC-789 Take dynamic blocks into account when detecting absence of properties

SONARIAC-855 S6437 Refine openssl secret generation command detection

SONARIAC-1008 S4423 Add support for Azure MSSQL

SONARIAC-1009 S4423 Weak SSL/TLS protocols should not be detected when using AWS API Gateway

SONARIAC-1030 S6330 Should consider correct default queue encryption (SSE-SQS)

SONARIAC-1035 S4423 should not report missing property for Azure resources with azurerm >= 3.0

SONARIAC-1096 S6380 ARM Detection logic needs to be adjusted

SONARIAC-1141 S6587 should not raise on apt-get when installing a local package

SONARIAC-1260 S6596 should not raise an issue on docker special image `scratch`

SONARIAC-1418 S6596 should not raise on references to previous build stages when previous stage is unresolvable

SONARIAC-1465 S1192 should not raise on strings that are formatted

SONARIAC-1467 S6380 should not raise on storageAccounts when allowBlobPublicAccess is not set

SONARIAC-1468 S1192 should not raise on module path

False Negative

SONARIAC-784 S6413 should be raised when insights block is missing or disabled

SONARIAC-1022 S6506 Detection should not be thwarted by addition of parameters

SONARIAC-1023 S6245 Checking AWS::S3::Bucket should not rely on properties


SONARIAC-1489 Deprecate S6869: CPU limits should be enforced

16 May 09:21
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Release notes - SonarIac - 1.30


SONARIAC-1451 Properties grammar should accept key that contains comments indicators

SONARIAC-1459 Resolve Parsing Issues on Spring Configuration Files

New Feature

SONARIAC-1393 S6437: Support detection of Hardcoded Secrets for Spring configuration

SONARIAC-1394 S5693: Support detection of Excessive File Upload Size Limit for Spring configuration

SONARIAC-1395 S4507: Support detection of enabled Debug Features in Spring configuration

SONARIAC-1396 S4423: Support detection of TLS Protocol Downgrades for Spring configuration

SONARIAC-1397 S2092: Support detection of misconfigured "Secure" cookie flags in Spring configuration

SONARIAC-1398 S3330: Support detection of misconfigured "HttpOnly" cookie flags in Spring configuration

SONARIAC-1430 Implement "SpringConfigSensor"

SONARIAC-1431 Convert parsed properties file to "SpringConfigTree"

SONARIAC-1432 Onboard the "spring-config" extension into the sonar-iac plugin

SONARIAC-1435 Generate Parser and Visitor with ANTLR for properties file

SONARIAC-1437 Implement metrics and highlighting visitors for .properties files

SONARIAC-1438 Implement "SpringConfig"

SONARIAC-1439 Implement a converter from YAML tree to "SpringConfig"

SONARIAC-1446 Implement "SpringConfigParser"

SONARIAC-1448 S2260: Java parsing failure

SONARIAC-1449 S1135: Track uses of TODO tags in Spring configuration files


SONARIAC-1458 Narrow the scope of YAML files considered by the spring-config sensor

06 May 13:37
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Release notes - SonarIac - 1.29


SONARIAC-1419 JSON filenames containing compile_commands should be excluded

23 Apr 10:46
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Release notes - SonarIac - 1.28


SONARIAC-882 ARM JSON Support Template expressions

SONARIAC-1360 Shouldn't throw Exceptions when highlighting issue location


SONARIAC-1429 S1192: String literals should be raised less often

New Feature

SONARIAC-1370 S117: Parameter and variable names should comply with a naming convention

SONARIAC-1371 S6874: Use a hard-coded value for the apiVersion

SONARIAC-1372 S6949: Don't hardcode resource locations

SONARIAC-1373 S6952: Redundant explicit dependencies between resources should be removed

SONARIAC-1374 S1481: Unused local variables should be removed

SONARIAC-1375 S1192: String literals should not be duplicated

SONARIAC-1376 S6953: Don't use "allowedValues" for a location parameter

SONARIAC-1379 S6955: Unused parameters should be removed

SONARIAC-1380 S6954: Elements should not be empty or null

SONARIAC-1381 S6956: The properties and elements inside a template should appear in the recommended order

SONARIAC-1382 S4507: Delivering code in production with debug features activated is security-sensitive

SONARIAC-1384 S6437: Credentials should not be hard-coded

SONARIAC-1400 Logic for Tracking Variable Usage in Azure Resource Manager Templates and Bicep Files

SONARIAC-1401 Logic for Tracking Parameter Usage in Azure Resource Manager Templates and Bicep Files


SONARIAC-1410 Improve Logic for Tracking Symbol Usage in Azure Resource Manager Templates and Bicep files

SONARIAC-1425 Split S6956 implementation into 2 rules

02 Apr 12:00
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Release notes - SonarIac - 1.27


SONARIAC-1290 Highlighting an issue directly before {{- end -}} results in highlighting the wrong line

SONARIAC-1308 Shouldn't include next line into shifted issue's text range

SONARIAC-1319 Should not evaluate templates when Chart.yaml is missing

SONARIAC-1383 Bicep parsing shouldn't fail if a string literal starts with a comment

New Feature

SONARIAC-1131 Report secondary locations in values.yaml for existing Kubernetes checks

SONARIAC-1154 Resolve values locations in values.yaml

SONARIAC-1301 Provide metrics of Helm Chart files

SONARIAC-1343 Publish values file to SQ

SONARIAC-1345 Highlight precise simple value in Helm expression in primary location

SONARIAC-1346 Highlight precise array values in Helm expression in primary location

SONARIAC-1347 Highlight precise loops in Helm expression in primary location

SONARIAC-1351 Precise primary location for "include" function in Helm expression

SONARIAC-1353 Highlight precise simple not-evaluated value in Helm file in primary location

SONARIAC-1355 Enable parsing of comment nodes in the Go template AST

SONARIAC-1356 Provide precise node lengths in the Go template AST

SONARIAC-1357 Raise Kubernetes issues on yaml values instead of key-value pairs


SONARIAC-703 Add custom assertion for ExternalIssues

SONARIAC-1363 Comment at the end of YAML files should be assigned to the root node

SONARIAC-1385 Catch IllegalArgumentException when reporting issues to SensorContext

SONARIAC-1386 Do not raise issue for K8s limit rules when LimitRange is detected

29 Jan 15:09
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Release notes - SonarIac - 1.26


SONARIAC-1258 ".Capabilities.APIVersions.Has" should be evaluated correctly

SONARIAC-1267 Should not throw ClassCastException when Helm evaluated template contains literal style and empty lines

SONARIAC-1268 Should not throw NullPointerException Cannot read field "originalLineSize"

SONARIAC-1270 Should not throw IllegalArgumentException: 23 is not a valid line for pointer

SONARIAC-1271 Should not fail parsing unquoted text

SONARIAC-1276 Should discover root directory for deeply nested template files

SONARIAC-1279 Shouldn't fail the analysis on an architecture not supported by sonar-helm-for-iac

SONARIAC-1282 Shouldn't try to raise PraseExceptions with invalid text pointer

SONARIAC-1283 Should not throw exception "-1 is not a valid line offset for a file"

SONARIAC-1285 Fix aggregation of additional helm files for windows

SONARIAC-1286 Should not fail parsing when literal style at the end of evaluated template


SONARIAC-1143 ARM rules should not check attributes on `existing` resources

New Feature

SONARIAC-1134 Evaluate loops in Helm files

SONARIAC-1190 S6864: Memory limits should be enforced

SONARIAC-1200 S6865: Service account tokens should not be mounted in pods

SONARIAC-1203 S6867: Wildcards should not be used to define RBAC permissions

SONARIAC-1205 S6868: Allowing command execution is security sensitive

SONARIAC-1211 S6869: CPU limits should be enforced

SONARIAC-1226 S5332: Using clear-text protocols is security-sensitive

SONARIAC-1227 S6870: Storage limits should be enforced

SONARIAC-1229 S6473: Exposing administration services is security-sensitive

SONARIAC-1263 Detect ConfigMaps, Secrets and other Kubernetes files for analysis

SONARIAC-1274 Improve template processing by adding missing Sprig function


SONARIAC-1202 Helm files should be detected even if they don't satisfy KubernetesFilePredicate

SONARIAC-1250 Update to 0.17.0

SONARIAC-1261 Unblock reading helm process error stream

SONARIAC-1287 Reduce logging level of known parse exceptions

17 Jan 16:26
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Release notes - SonarIac - 1.25


SONARIAC-1256 Fix incorrect transfer of files between Java and Go Code

SONARIAC-1257 `.Chart` object's keys should be capitalized

SONARIAC-1262 Should support "join" function in Helm charts

SONARIAC-1264 Helm analysis should not fail if repository contains empty file

SONARIAC-1266 Should not throw ClassCastException when Helm template contains multiple documents

New Feature

SONARIAC-1176 Implement "include" function for Helm template evaluation

SONARIAC-1177 Implement "tpl" function for Helm template evaluation

SONARIAC-1201 Support built-in Helm objects in template evaluation

SONARIAC-1231 Evaluate all files of Chart directory in Go Engine

SONARIAC-1232 Evaluate dependent files in Go Engine


SONARIAC-1185 Values file should be found for templates in subfolders

SONARIAC-1219 Create a Docker Image to build go binaries

SONARIAC-1225 Pass all files of the Helm project directory to HelmEvaluator

SONARIAC-1248 Fix code coverage after migration to Gradle

SONARIAC-1254 Files from `templates/` directory should be prefixed with chart name before evaluation

28 Dec 10:46
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Release notes - SonarIac - 1.24


SONARIAC-1183 HelmPreprocessor crashes on some files

SONARIAC-1187 KubernetesHighlightVisitor doesn't match lines with only comments

SONARIAC-1224 Bicep files should be belonging to AzureResourceManager for SonarCloud AutoScan

New Feature

SONARIAC-1146 Preprocessing Helm add trailing comments with line numbers

SONARIAC-1147 Kubernetes sensor should not ignore file with Helm Directive

SONARIAC-1148 Issue on helm file should be raised at the right location

SONARIAC-1149 Evaluate Helm templates in Go

SONARIAC-1164 Evaluate simple Helm Charts and raise Kubernetes issues

SONARIAC-1182 Build Go binaries as executables and get data from stdout

SONARIAC-1184 Support "default" function in Helm template evaluation

SONARIAC-1186 Support "toYaml" function in Helm template evaluation


SONARIAC-1198 Allow users to deactivate Helm analysis

SONARIAC-1223 Improve error handling in Go exceptions

SONARIAC-1230 Align AzureResourceManager property keys and deprecate old key format

29 Nov 12:57
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Release notes - SonarIac - 1.23


SONARIAC-1142 S6329 should report only one issue for the same location


SONARIAC-1076 Use Java 17 to build project

SONARIAC-1168 Register JSON and YAML language

26 Oct 07:59
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Release notes - SonarIac - 1.22

  • Update rule descriptions to include Learn as You Code changes