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General Info

The repository contains code implemented to get better understanding of various topics covered in course: TypeScript Essential Training by Jess Chadwick


  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • HTML5


You can either copy paste the code in any online editor or playground and execute to see the result or clone git repository and use editor of your choice. I have used Visual Studio Code


  • TypeScript

Topics Covered

ES6 Features

  • Default parameters
  • Template Strings
  • Variable declaration - var, let, const
  • For of Loops
  • Lambdas - Arrow functions
  • Destructuring
  • The spread operator
  • Computed properties

Type Fundamentals

  • Union types
  • Function overloading

Custom Types

  • Interfaces
  • Enums
  • Anonymous Types


  • Prototypical Inheritance Simplified
  • Accessors
  • Abstract Classes and Methods
  • Inheritance
  • Interfaces


  • Functions
  • Classes
  • Constraints


  • Internal Modules
    • namespace
  • External Modules
    • Common js syntax
    • ECMA script syntax

Real world Application

  • Bits and pieces of code that has been used throughout the course is combined together to build a real world TODO application


  • Real world TODO application with method, class and property decorators