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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 24, 2022. It is now read-only.
SinisterDeveloper edited this page May 22, 2021 · 1 revision

Commands And Features



This command has 3 variations:

  • Normal - Bans the member from the server and deletes the user's messages from the last 7 days. - ban <member> {reason}
  • Save - Bans the member from the server without deleting the user's messages. - ban save <member> {reason}
  • Force - Bans a user from the server even if the user's isn't in the server - ban force <userID> {reason}


Bans a user, deletes the user's messages and immediately unbans - softban <member> {reason}


Unbans a banned user from the server - unban <userID> {reason}


Kicks a member from the server - kick <member> {reason}


Mutes a member from talking - mute <member> {reason}

Temporary mute (This command may be merged into the normal mute command in the next update)

Temporarily mutes a member from talking - tempmute <member> {user} - The bot then prompts you to give a reason for the mute


Deletes the given number of messages in the channel - purge <number>


Changes the nickname of a member - nick <member> {new nickname}


Changes the slowmode of a channel - slowmode <duration> - Duration must be in seconds


Anti Advertising

The bot instantly deletes any messages containing invite links that is not of the current server.