This repository has been archived. Development continues as part of Pinocchio itself, see the Pinocchio issue stack-of-tasks/pinocchio#2573.
This package aims to provide basic functionality and common interfaces for visualizers (in C++/Python) for the Pinocchio rigid-body dynamics library.
- Pinocchio, of course (built with
HPP-FCLCoal support) - A C++17 compliant compiler
In exactly one file in your application (or its target dependencies), include the main header with the definition to pull in the implementation:
#include <pinocchio-visualizers/base-visualizer.hpp>
The library (sources and CMake target files) can be installed following:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . --target install
Then, the CMake targets can be found through find_package(pinocchio-visualizers)
After acquiring the target, link to it:
target_link_libraries(mytarget [PUBLIC|PRIVATE|INTERFACE] pinocchio-visualizers::pinocchio-visualizers)
In your own repository, you can add it as a submodule:
git submodule add
and in CMake, add it as a subdirectory before using the target: