My collection of mostly pure JS utils functions ⚡
npm install shuutils
import { getTimestamp } from 'shuutils'
// or for older js : var getTimestamp = require("shuutils").getTimestamp
console.log('Hello world, current timestamp is', getTimestamp())
- use zod
- add willOutputToFile option to the logger
- re-enable useTopLevelRegex in biome
- Angus Croll : for the inspiration of some dependency free functions
- Box icon : nice icon
- Esbuild : an extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier
- Eslint : super tool to find & fix problems
- Github : for all their great work year after year, pushing OSS forward
- Jakub Juszczak's article: nice article about publishing on npm
- Josh Crowther's repo: great ressource about modules
- Repo-checker : eslint cover /src code and this tool the rest ^^
- : for the nice badges on top of this readme
- Shuutils : collection of pure JS utils
- Tsup : super fast js/ts bundler with no config, powered by esbuild <3
- Watchlist : recursively watch a list of directories & run a command on any file system
- Yoctocolors : for the extra-lightweight color utilities
Thanks goes to these wonderful people :
Romain Racamier 🚇 |
babforlife 💻 |
jordan boyer 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!