- Shristi Sharma (0131CS221191)
- Sushmita Kumari (0131CS221210)
- Raushan Kumar (0131CS221154)
- Shikhar Mishra (0131CS221184)
This C++ program implements a simple School Management System (SMS) that allows users to manage student information. The system provides basic functionalities such as adding new students, displaying all students, searching for a specific student, calculating average scores, and assigning grades based on the percentage obtained.
Add New Student:
- Users can add new students by entering their roll number, name, and age.
- Duplicate roll numbers are checked to prevent adding the same student multiple times.
Display All Students:
- Shows a list of all students currently stored in the system.
Search Student:
- Allows users to search for a specific student using their roll number.
Calculate Average Score:
- Users can input marks in Computer, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and English.
- The total marks, average, and percentage are calculated and displayed.
Assign Grades:
- Based on the calculated percentage, the program assigns a grade (A, B, C, D, or E) to the student.
- Option to exit the School Management System.
Compile the Code:
- Use a C++ compiler supporting C++11 or later to compile the code.
Run the Program:
- Execute the compiled program in the terminal or command prompt.
Main Menu:
- Choose options from the main menu (1 to 6) to perform various actions.
Follow On-Screen Instructions:
- Enter the required information as prompted by the system.
- Contributions to the project are welcome. Fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request.
Happy School Management!