This repository implements a predictive safety filter (PSF) for neural network systems using convex optimization. In particular, we first use NN verification to extract sound local abstraction of the NN dynamics and then apply robust linear model predictive control to filter safe control inputs. This method is presented in the paper
Safety Filter Design for Neural Network Systems via Convex Optimization
Shaoru Chen*, Kong Yao Chee*, Nikolai Matni, M. Ani Hsieh, George J. Pappas (* co-first authors)
Conference on Decision and Control, 2023
The following installation has been verified. To run codes on GPU, please install pytorch with cuda enabled.
conda create -n psf python=3.10
conda activate psf
# Example: install pytorch on macOS.
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 -c pytorch
pip install auto-lirpa
conda install -c conda-forge cvxpy
pip install -r requirements.txt
The Mosek optimizer is applied and can be installed by
pip install Mosek
Other optimizers for solving the convex program can be used too.
An example of applying the predictive safety filter on a pendulum system is given by running python
. Run python
to recover the figures in the paper.
We consider designing a predictive safety filter for an uncertain NN dynamical system by solving the following constrained, robust optimal control problem:
Solving the above PSF problem has several challenges:
- To reduce conservatism, we need to optimize over feedback policies
$\mu_t(\cdot)$ such that$u_t = \mu_t(\cdot)$ instead of open-loop control inputs$u_t$ directly. How to parameterize the feedback policy$\mu_t(\cdot)$ and solve the PSF problem in a tractable and numerically efficient manner is an open problem. - The size (i.e., depth and width) of the NN dynamics
$f(x, u)$ impose significant numerically challenges for optimization. We want our method to scale to large NNs such that we impose little restriction on the up-stream task of learning the NN dynamics. - We want to obtain interpretable and reliable safety certificates that are not prone to numerical issues.
We first over-approximate the nonlinear NN dynamics
We use auto-LiRPA for NN dynamics over-approximation and SLS MPC to solve the robust linear MPC problem due to its tightness.
Our method has the following benefits.
- In the end, we only need to solve a convex quadratic program (QP) as the PSF. Importantly, the complexity of the QP is independent of the size of the NN dynamics.
- A numerical safety certificate is given by the QP and interpretable. Empirically, we demonstrated that the safety certificate gives a useful criterion to optimize to improve the safety of the closed-loop system.
On a pendulum system example, we demonstrated that the proposed PSF significantly improved the safety of the iLQR-based reference controller. See our paper for details.
We use auto-LiRPA to extract bounds on the NN dynamics locally.
We use pympc mainly for operations on polyhedra.
We use mpc.pytorch to implement iLQR and constrained iLQR in this folder.