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Knowledge Book

Shane Bee edited this page Mar 8, 2020 · 1 revision

So you created some custom recipes, and you want a fun new way to unlock these recipes for players? Well you are just in luck then, because we can add those recipes to a Knowledge Book. When the player receives this book, they just need to right click it and the recipes will be unlocked, the player will also receive a toast message when the recipe is unlocked.

Here is the basic syntax:

add [(custom|(mc|minecraft))] [recipe[s]] [with id[s]] %strings% to %itemtype% 
remove [(custom|(mc|minecraft)] [recipe[s]] [with id[s]] %strings% from %itemtype%

Let's break it down:

Add or remove:

This is simple. You can add recipes to a book, and you can remove them. Obviously a new book won't have recipes to remove, so we will need to add some first.

Custom or MC recipe:


Here we can decide if we are going to add a custom recipe (one which you created) or a vanilla Minecraft recipe.

IDs for recipes:

recipe[s] [with id[s]] %strings%

Each recipe on the server has an ID (namespace key). When you create a recipe you also create an ID for that new recipe. Vanilla Minecraft recipes also have IDs. There are a few ways you can find these, 1 easy way is to run the command /minecraft:recipe player_name and you will see all the available recipe names. Minecraft recipes will start with minecraft: and all custom recipes will start with skrecipe: (keep in mind, you will not need to put "minecraft:" or "skrecipe:" into this syntax. Here are some visual representations to show of IDs in the client:
Minecraft Recipes:

Custom Recipes:

The book:

to %itemtype% 

This is the item you are adding recipes to. This will obviously need to be a knowledge book, any other item will just do nothing.

Let's put it all together:

command /book:
        set {_i} to a knowledge book named "&aServer Recipes"
        set lore of {_i} to "&7Our server's recipes", " ", "&bRecipe:", "&7 - Cutting oak", "&7 - Cutting birch", "&7 - Cutting spruce", "&7 - Cutting jungle"
        add custom recipe "cutting_oak" to {_i}
        add custom recipe "cutting_birch" to {_i}
        add custom recipe "cutting_spruce" to {_i}
        add custom recipe "cutting_jungle" to {_i}
        give player 1 of {_i}

I added some lore to the book for funnsies, just so the player knows which recipes are included.

Visual representation:

When the player right-clicks whilst holding the book it will be removed from their inventory and they will receive a toast message letting them know the recipes were unlocked

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