This package is based on the code of Dr. Villette and Dr. Larsen. The package is written and maintained by Dr. Villette. This package is meant to facilitate microbiome exploration and ensuring nice plotting.
This package covers :
The dada2 pipeline with wrapper functions that ease the processing of multiple projects
Some plotting functions for beta diversity, heatmap and differential abundance analysis using directly a phyloseq object
A pipeline for IgASeq analysis
The DADA2 pipeline with wrapper functions that ease the processing of multiple projects
Some plotting functions for beta diversity, heatmap and differential abundance analysis using directly a phyloseq object
A pipeline for IgASeq analysis
A biological difference, for example to different strains
A technical difference, a misreading from the sequencer
Microbiomics is a very nice playground for biostatistic and data modelisation. Based on the work done in my lab, I've created a bunch of wrapper functions and new functions to explore microbiomics. A part of the functions are working directly on phyloseq objects and the others accept directly data.frames.
IgA and more importantly secretory IgA gain a growing interest as it is the main immunological microbial regulator. This immunoglobulin has the particular ability to control both pathogens and commensals, with a negative action on pathogens (pathogen removal) and a positive action on commensals (ecological niche formation).
In this package we describe a new method to produce the samples and also to make the analysis after the sequencing. This method is actually published in [...].
This part is not yet furnished and will available in future updates.