A Library to get GPG/PGP keys from a Keyserver. This library uses the requests module to get the keys.
- 2.7.15
- 3.7
Intstall via AUR
Install via PyPI
pip install hkp4py
pip3 install hkp4py
This object represents a keyserver using the hkp protocol.
Initialize the KeyServer object.
# python2and3 compliance
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function
from hkp4py import KeyServer
server = KeyServer("hkps://pgp.ext.selfnet.de")
The hkps pool is also supported.
Add keys to a keyserver.
key = "a long key"
Find keys with the keyserver object.
keys = server.search('@gnupg.org') # search by string
keys = server.search('0x{}'.format('6F4B4E15768C8C4E'), exact=True) #search by fingerprint
for key in keys:
# Key Basic Information
print("Key Algorithm:\t{}".format(key.algo))
print("Key fpr:\t{}".format(key.keyid))
print("Key Length:\t{}".format(key.key_length))
print("Disabled?\t{}".format('yes' if key.disabled else 'no'))
print("Expired?\t{}".format('yes' if key.expired else 'no'))
print("Revoked?\t{}".format('yes' if key.revoked else 'no'))
print("From Host:\t{}".format(key.host))
print("From Port:\t{}".format(key.port))
print("Date Created:\t{}".format(key.creation_date))
print("Date Expired:\t{}".format(key.expiration_date))
for identity in key.identities:
print("\tDisabled?\t{}".format('yes' if identity.disabled else 'no'))
print("\tExpired?\t{}".format('yes' if identity.expired else 'no'))
print("\tRevoked?\t{}".format('yes' if identity.revoked else 'no'))
print("\tDate Created:\t{}".format(identity.creation_date))
print("\tDate Expired:\t{}".format(identity.expiration_date))
To set a different User-Agent and proxies for veiling purposes. The KeyServer has the following additional options for the connection.
server = KeyServer("hkps://pgp.ext.selfnet.de",
proxies={"http": "socks5h://localhost:5050", "https":
headers={"User-Agent": "Testing"})
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import gpg
result = gpg.Context().key_import(key.key_blob)