This is a Node.js server that acts as a middleman for communications between a client and one or multiple Orange TV Decoders.
It has an API meaning you can use it programmatically across a network. It has multiple endpoints that can be used to get and set a Decoder's data.
Replace {epg} with an EPG, which is what the Livebox uses to get and set channel data. You can convert EPG to channel data using this endpoint.
Optionnal query parameter :
program : if set to true, it'll also query the channel's program, the device needs to be connected to the internet.
Returns the currently detected device list. The server checks for new devices and adds them to the list. You'll need to check client-side if the device you've chosen is removed or not, if device #2 is removed but an other takes its place it might create issues when communicating.
Returns the device's status based on its index in the device list.
It'll send a button press to the Decoder as if it were a remote controller, mode defaults to 0 if omitted, mode 0 is just a button press, mode 1 is when you start holding the button, mode 2 is when you end holding the button.
A key code list is included in the source code.
Sets the channel of the device by sending it an EPG.
In the data folder there are data files you can use such as the key list, and a channel list.