Shoestrap is a WordPress theme that’s based on HTML5 Boilerplate and Bootstrap from Twitter. It is a fork of the amazing Roots theme so in case you want to learn more about its core features and logic, visit the rootstheme doc
- HTML5 Boilerplate’s markup and
- Bootstrap from Twitter
- Theme wrapper
- Root relative URLs
- Clean URLs (no more
) - All static theme assets are rewritten to the website root (
, and/assets/js/
) - Cleaner HTML output of navigation menus
- Cleaner output of
and enqueued scripts/styles - Posts use the hNews microformat
- Multilingual ready
- Extended use of WordPress's customizer (introduced in WordPress 3.4
- Uses less for styling and includes a php-less compiler.
- The compiled css is minified.
This theme makes extended use of WordPress's theme customizer. There are 2 modes in the customizer:
- Standard mode
- Advanced Builder mode
To use the standard mode, visit the "Advanced" section of your customizer, and make sure that the "Toggle the advanced Bootstrap Builder" checkbox is not checked. The following options are available when using the standard mode:
- Upload a logo image
- Display NavBar on the top of the page
- Display Branding (Sitename or Logo)
- Use Logo (if available) for branding
- Navbar Color
- Show Login/Logout Link Display Social Links in the Navbar
- Display Extra Header
- Header Region Background Color
- Header Region Text Color
- Display Social Links
- Responsive / Fixed-width
- Layout
- Primary Sidebar Width
- Secondary Sidebar Width
- Show sidebars on the Home Page
- Choose from 550+ Google Webfonts for your site
- Apply the webfont on the Site-Name, Headers or everywhere
- Select the background color for your footer.
- Title
- Content (accepts HTML)
- Call To Action Button label
- Call To Action Button link
- Call To Action Button color (select from 5 variations)
- Background Color
- Background Image
- Text Color
- Visibility of the Hero Region (Frontpage only or site-wide)
- Facebook Page Link
- Twitter URL or @username
- Google+ Profile Link
- Pinterest Profile Link
- Share Buttons on Posts: Facebook
- Share Buttons on Posts: Twitter
- Share Buttons on Posts: Google Plus
- Share Buttons on Posts: Linkedin
- Share Buttons on Posts: Pinterest
- Location of social shares
- Background Color
- Links Color
- Buttons Color
- Select a WordPress Menu for your navbar navigation
- Header Scripts - Allows users to enter their own css and/or scripts on the Head of the document
- Footer Scripts - Allows users to enter their own css and/or scripts on the Footer of the document
- Toggle the advanced Bootstrap Builder
- Background Image
To use the advanced mode, visit the "Advanced" section of your customizer, and make sure that the "Toggle the advanced Bootstrap Builder" checkbox is checked. When using this mode, **bootstrap's variables.less file is updated to include the user's options and the stylesheet file will be re-compiled with these options. This way users can alter most bootstrap defaults.
Since by using the advanced mode the changes are permanent and written to the filesystem, it is not possible to use this mode on multisite installations. Only super-admins can use the advanced mode in multi-site.
The default bootstrap customizer has an excessive amount of options available and can be a bit scary and confusing. So we tried to minimize the options available by calculating many options based on the ones you make:
- @black, @grayDarker, @grayDark, @gray, @grayLight, @grayLighter: Calculated based on the background color and the text-color.
- @borderRadiusLarge, @borderRadiusSmall: Calculated based on the Base Border Radius.
- @linkColorHover: Calculated based on the link color.
- @tableBackgroundAccent, @tableBackgroundHover, @tableBorder: Calculated based on the background color.
- @horizontalComponentOffset, @gridColumnWidth, @gridColumnWidth1200, @gridColumnWidth768, : Based on layout options
The following options are not available when using the advanced mode:
- Navbar Color
In addition to the default customizer options, the following options are available:
- Grid Width - Normal
- Grid Width - Wide
- Grid Width - Narrow
- Grid Gutter - Normal & Narrow
- Grid Gutter - Wide
- Sans Font Family
- Serif Font Family
- Mono Font Family
- Base Font Size
- Base Line Height
- Font Size Large
- Font Size Small
- Font Size Mini
- Base Border Radius
- Background Color
- Text Color
- Blue
- Dark Blue
- Green
- Red
- Yellow
- Orange
- Pink
- Purple
- Links Color
- Primary Buttons Color
- Info Buttons Color
- Success Buttons Color
- Warning Buttons Color
- Danger Buttons Color
- Navbar Background
When you get this theme from a licence key will be emailed which when entered and activated will provide you with automatic updates