JMDB is a social networking and movie database hybrid website similar to IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes. As a 5-member team, we followed a scrum agile team collaboration framework with sprints, backlogs, epics, etc. to make this website. We used a very large movie database api to fetch information about movies that were available to process called The Movie Database (TMDB). We used http requests to store information about movie reviews and ratings for users that used the website.

The snippet above shows the home page. It takes information from TMDB api such as movies coming soon and top rated movies and displays the top 6 results from each onto the page. A button is placed on the center, allowing you to access the "search movies" feature to get information on any movie available in the database.

We're presented with a movie search bar, a couple currently released and trendy movies, and a random movie quote.

In the example above, I searched up "Star Wars" and it returned back a list of movies with descriptions that match that result.

Clicking on a movie allows you to see information about it such as year, runtime, description, popularity, recommended audience, cover art, production, and subtitle. One neat feature about our website is it has "User Reviews" indicated by the yellow 'Reviews' button on the top right.

You can create a review and rating for a specific movie and it will show the first 10 reviews on the page.
After this 2-month project, my team and I learned a lot about working in a scrum collaboration framework. We got to use third-party apis and storage systems to make our website as good as it can be. This was a good stepping stone to further develop my full-stack skills and work with a professional team to build large-scale applications.