Steps to build the editor:
- Run GenerateVS19Project.bat or GenerateVS22Project for VS19 or VS22 respectively.
- Run CopyDataToBin. This is delete build\x64\Debug\bin\Asset and build\x64\Debug\bin\Resources if they exist. And place the folders from the current folder to build\x64\Debug\bin.
- After that you can run TS_ENGINE_Editor.exe from build\x64\Debug\bin.
- Import feature is not implemented yet. So if you want to place you own assets you can place it in build\x64\Debug\bin\Asset\Model or Assets\Textures.
- If you save a scene you will find it in build\x64\Debug\bin\Assets\SavedScenes folder to open it later.
Information: This is the editor code for my framework TS_ENGINE. It currently includes some basic editor related features like:
- GameObject creation.
- Scene save and load system.
- Different panels for showing scene hierarchy and transforming position, rotation and scale.
- Picking and manipulating objects.
- Material editor. (In progress)
- HDR color and gamma correction. (In progress)