(for Lua == 5.3 )
Updated Lua bindings to libgit2 written using LuaC-API and tests written using Busted and coverage using luacov.
Though the project is still under development, you can try, install and test the project using:
First, install libgit2, according to the instructions on their documentation.
Since this project depends on LuaC-Api , it is required to install
as :
sudo apt-get install liblua5.3-dev
git clone https://github.com/SatyendraBanjare/luagit2.git
cd luagit2
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
cd luagit2
sudo luarocks make
Make sure you have Busted and luacov installed (refer link above).
cd tests/
busted . -c
To get the coverage result,
cd tests/
It generates text file luacov.report.out our final coverage report.