by Sam Rosenstrauch and Jude Rizzo
This is our final project in Computer Graphics. It showcases several features of a graphics engine written in Python throughout the spring semester of 2020. We used scanline conversion to draw polygons in three dimensions, and a z-buffer to create depth perception. Our lighting included several features, such as ambient reflection, diffuse reflection, as well as specular lighting.
Install imagemagick before running.
To run from terminal, enter "python face.mdl" or "python robot.mdl".
When running on Mac or Linux, in, on line 86, change "imdisplay" to "display." (Note: on Mac, you may need to run this under XQuartz.)
Features to be added:
- Mesh
- New Primitive Shapes
- More options to the vary command (different parametrizations such as log, exp, ect.)
- Save knob