EditorZ is a text editor built to ensure fast workflows. It contains keybindings like other editors(vim,emacs) that enable users to maintain their flow during work.
File Handling: Perform various file operations such as:
- New(alt-n): Start a fresh text file.
- Open (alt-o): Import an existing text document into the editor.
- Save (alt-s): Preserve your current work in the form of a text document.
- Save-as (alt-a): Save the current document under a new name.
- Page-setup (alt-t): Page-setup (Coming soon).
- Print (alt-j): Print-Preview (Coming soon).
- Print (alt-p): Print (Coming soon).
- Exit (alt-x): Exit while also saving the document.
Editing Tools: Powerful tools to streamline your editing process:
- Cut (ctrl-x): Remove and copy the selection to the clipboard.
- Copy (ctrl-c): Copy the selected text to the clipboard.
- Paste (ctrl-v): Insert the content of the clipboard at the cursor position.
- Undo (ctrl-u): Revert the last textual action.
- Redo (ctrl-r): Reapply an action that was previously undone.
- Delete (ctrl-d):Delete the selected text
- Find (ctrl-n): Find a certain word or letter in your document.
- Replace (ctrl-f): replace a word or letter with something else.
- Go-to (ctrl-h): Go to a certain line in the document.
- Date/Time (ctrl-g): Display the current date and time.
- Select-All (ctrl-m):Select the entire content in the document
Color Customizability:
- background: change the background color of the screen as per your preference.
- Font- change the font of the text as per your preference.
- Wrap-text- wrap the text of the screen.
- Foreground- change the foreground color of the screen as per your preference.
- JDK(preferably 1.7)
- Java 7 or higher
- git clone https://github.com/Saptarshi2001/EditorZ.git
- Compile the java program using java MainEditor.java
- Run the jar executable
- Build the project using Maven
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- This project will be further developed.Feel free to contribute to it as we further move along.