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Bookmarker is a bookmark manager that lets you manage your bookmarks and folders everywhere, whatever you are in mobile or your PC.

Used technologies

  • NextJS (for the frontend and backend)
  • Zustand (global state management)
  • Supabase (for the database and authentication)
  • Sonner (to render good looking notifications)
  • i18next (for the internationalization)

Folder structure

  • mock - Used to store JSON data and will be removed when the database implementation is completed
  • pages - Pages Router
  • public - Static content like images and stuff
  • src - Most of the code is stored here, with the components, store, utilities and types
  • tests - Unit and E2E testing

Internationalization support

This project has internationalization support, so the app will be translated to your language.

The current available languages are: English, Spanish and Catalanian. Any other language that is not available in this list leads to the 404 page.

If you want to contribute with more languages, submit a Pull Request with the language folder with its json namespaces.

⚠️ Warning

This project is in WIP, but you can log in and log out without problem. What you can't do at the moment is managing the bookmarks until I implemented the database operations.