I'm Samyak.
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heiko (and
I like working on new projects all the time, which also means older projects get abandoned unless there is outside interest. Some of these are course projects, others are more spontaneous.
Some projects I'm proud of:
gopy - a Go "compiler" implemented in python
guntainer - a rootless container runtime
michie - An attribute macro that adds memoization to a function
skip-list - C++ implementation of skip list data structures
par-a-graph - parallel pagerank
spressolisp - a lisp interpreter in Rust
numpytorch - neural network implementation in numpy with a PyTorch-like API
Neural-Network-Julia - with GPU training
SVDNN.jl - accelerating neural networks using SVD
spatialHashing - spatial hashing collision detection in python
gosling - a terminal-based text-to-speech wrapper
likelang - a dynamically typed, function-first language made at langjam0002
za-warudo - a highly domain-specific language to procedurally generate 2D worlds. One of the winners at langjam0003
Some fun projects:
donut - rendering a donut in the terminal
toipe - a typing test CLI app
potential-art - "art" in Julia and Luxor
nvim-config - my neovim config
guine - a self-replicating program in Go