CD-Library-Management-System A simple CD library management system to manage CDs and DVDs, made with Python. I have used PyQt5 for User Interface (GUI), MySQL as database to organize, store and retrieve data about CDs, Customers and Staff, and Twilio to send OTP. Other modules like subprocess, Tkinter, random and sys are used to support the application.
Technical Specifications
Minimum Hardware Requirements
-Intel Core i3 Processor -CPU T6670 @ 2.20 GHz
-Color CRT/TFT 15.5” Monitor
-64-bit Operating System
-4.00 GB Installed Memory (RAM) -500 GB DDR3/DDR4 Hard Disk
Minimum Software Requirements
-Python IDLE 3.5 or higher
-MySQL Server 5.0 or higher
-Windows 7 or higher or MacOS
User Characteristics The users are categorized as:
-Admin or Manager
Authorized to update, alter, change or modify Staff and Customer tables, and responsible for System Maintenance.
Authorized to update, alter, change, or modify Movies, Music, Games, and Software tables. Do not have access to Staff’s or Customer’s personal details.
Authorized to access CD’s collection, and Buy them.
Additional Requirements:
1. PyQt5
2. Twilio
3. Tkinter
1. MySQL database
1. Requires Twilio API key.