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Background cosmology neutrinos
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wullm authored and MatthieuSchaller committed Dec 17, 2020
1 parent 61dcee5 commit 39179e4
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Showing 18 changed files with 954 additions and 63 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions doc/RTD/source/ParameterFiles/parameter_description.rst
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Expand Up @@ -171,6 +171,31 @@ w_0 + w_a (1 - a)`. The two parameters in the YAML file are:
If unspecified these parameters default to the default
:math:`\Lambda\rm{CDM}` values of :math:`w_0 = -1` and :math:`w_a = 0`.

The radiation density :math:`\Omega_r` can also be specified by setting
an alternative optional parameter:

* The number of ultra-relativistic degrees of freedom :math:`N_\rm{ur}`:

The radiation density :math:`\Omega_r` is then automatically inferred from
:math:`N_\rm{ur}` and the present-day CMB temperature
:math:`T_{\rm{CMB},0}=2.7255` Kelvin. This parametrization cannot
be used together with :math:`\Omega_r`. If neither parameter is used, SWIFT
defaults to :math:`\Omega_r = 0`. Note that :math:`N_\rm{ur}` differs from
:math:`N_\rm{eff}`, the latter of which also includes massive neutrinos.

Massive neutrinos can be included by specifying the optional parameters:

* The number of massive neutrino species :math:`N_{\nu}`: ``N_nu``,
* A comma-separated list of neutrino masses in eV: ``M_nu_eV``,
* A comma-separated list of neutrino degeneracies: ``deg_nu``,
* The present-day neutrino temperature :math:`T_{\nu,0}`: ``T_nu_0``.

When including massive neutrinos, only ``N_nu`` and ``M_nu_eV`` are necessary.
By default, SWIFT will assume non-degenerate species and
:math:`T_{\nu,0}=(4/11)^{1/3}T_{\rm{CMB},0}`. Neutrinos do not contribute to
:math:`\Omega_m = \Omega_\rm{cdm} + \Omega_b` in our conventions.

For a Planck+13 cosmological model (ignoring radiation density as is
commonly done) and running from :math:`z=127` to :math:`z=0`, one would hence
use the following parameters:
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion examples/main.c
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Expand Up @@ -1189,13 +1189,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
const int with_DM_background_particles =
N_total[swift_type_dark_matter_background] > 0;

/* Do we have neutrino particles? */
const int with_neutrinos = 0; // no for now

/* Initialize the space with these data. */
if (myrank == 0) clocks_gettime(&tic);
space_init(&s, params, &cosmo, dim, &hydro_properties, parts, gparts, sinks,
sparts, bparts, Ngas, Ngpart, Nsink, Nspart, Nbpart, periodic,
replicate, remap_ids, generate_gas_in_ics, with_hydro,
with_self_gravity, with_star_formation,
with_DM_background_particles, talking, dry_run, nr_nodes);
with_DM_background_particles, with_neutrinos, talking, dry_run,

/* Initialise the line of sight properties. */
if (with_line_of_sight) los_init(s.dim, &los_properties, params);
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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions examples/main_fof.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -542,14 +542,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
const int with_DM_background_particles =
N_total[swift_type_dark_matter_background] > 0;

/* Do we have neutrino particles? */
const int with_neutrinos = 0; // no for now

/* Initialize the space with these data. */
if (myrank == 0) clocks_gettime(&tic);
space_init(&s, params, &cosmo, dim, /*hydro_props=*/NULL, parts, gparts,
sinks, sparts, bparts, Ngas, Ngpart, Nsink, Nspart, Nbpart,
periodic, replicate, /*remap_ids=*/0,
/*generate_gas_in_ics=*/0, /*hydro=*/N_total[0] > 0, /*gravity=*/1,
/*with_star_formation=*/0, with_DM_background_particles, talking,
/*dry_run=*/0, nr_nodes);
/*with_star_formation=*/0, with_DM_background_particles,
with_neutrinos, talking, /*dry_run=*/0, nr_nodes);

if (myrank == 0) {
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33 changes: 18 additions & 15 deletions examples/parameter_example.yml
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ Cosmology:
Omega_r: 0. # (Optional) Radiation density parameter
w_0: -1.0 # (Optional) Dark-energy equation-of-state parameter at z=0.
w_a: 0. # (Optional) Dark-energy equation-of-state time evolution parameter.
T_nu_0: 1.9514 # (Optional) Present-day neutrino temperature in internal units, used for massive neutrinos
N_ur: 1.0196 # (Optional) Number of ultra-relativistic species (e.g. massless neutrinos). Assumes instantaneous decoupling T_ur/T_g=(4/11)^(1/3). Cannot be used together with Omega_r.
N_nu: 2 # (Optional) Integer number of massive neutrinos. Note that neutrinos do NOT contribute to Omega_m = Omega_cdm + Omega_b in our conventions.
M_nu_eV: 0.05, 0.01 # (Optional) Comma-separated list of N_nu nonzero neutrino masses in electron-volts
deg_nu: 1.0, 1.0 # (Optional) Comma-separated list of N_nu neutrino degeneracies (default values of 1.0)

# Parameters for the hydrodynamics scheme
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,7 +133,6 @@ Scheduler:
engine_max_parts_per_ghost: 1000 # (Optional) Maximum number of parts per ghost.
engine_max_sparts_per_ghost: 1000 # (Optional) Maximum number of sparts per ghost.
engine_max_parts_per_cooling: 10000 # (Optional) Maximum number of parts per cooling task.
dependency_graph_frequency: 0 # (Optional) Dumping frequency of the dependency graph. By default, writes only at the first step.

# Parameters governing the time integration (Set dt_min and dt_max to the same value for a fixed time-step run.)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,7 +173,7 @@ Logger:
basename: index # Common part of the filenames
initial_buffer_size: 1 # (Optional) Buffer size in GB
buffer_scale: 10 # (Optional) When buffer size is too small, update it with required memory times buffer_scale

# Parameters governing the conserved quantities statistics
delta_time: 1e-2 # Time between statistics output
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,7 +238,7 @@ DomainDecomposition:
config_file_name: stf_input.cfg # Name of the STF config file.
basename: haloes # Common part of the name of output files.
subdir_per_output: stf # (Optional) Sub-directory (within Snapshots:subdir) to use for each invocation of STF. Defaults to "" (i.e. no sub-directory)
subdir_per_output: stf # (Optional) Sub-directory (within Snapshots:subdir) to use for each invocation of STF. Defaults to "" (i.e. no sub-directory)
scale_factor_first: 0.92 # (Optional) Scale-factor of the first structure finding (cosmological run)
time_first: 0.01 # (Optional) Time of the first structure finding output (in internal units).
delta_time: 1.10 # (Optional) Time difference between consecutive structure finding outputs (in internal units) in simulation time intervals.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,23 +287,23 @@ EoS:

# Point mass external potentials
useabspos: 0 # 0 -> positions based on centre, 1 -> absolute positions
useabspos: 0 # 0 -> positions based on centre, 1 -> absolute positions
position: [50.,50.,50.] # location of external point mass (internal units)
mass: 1e10 # mass of external point mass (internal units)
timestep_mult: 0.03 # Dimensionless pre-factor for the time-step condition
softening: 0.05 # For point-mass-softened option

# Isothermal potential parameters
useabspos: 0 # 0 -> positions based on centre, 1 -> absolute positions
useabspos: 0 # 0 -> positions based on centre, 1 -> absolute positions
position: [100.,100.,100.] # Location of centre of isothermal potential with respect to centre of the box (internal units)
vrot: 200. # Rotation speed of isothermal potential (internal units)
timestep_mult: 0.03 # Dimensionless pre-factor for the time-step condition
epsilon: 0.1 # Softening size (internal units)

# Hernquist potential parameters
useabspos: 0 # 0 -> positions based on centre, 1 -> absolute positions
useabspos: 0 # 0 -> positions based on centre, 1 -> absolute positions
position: [100.,100.,100.] # Location of centre of Henrquist potential with respect to centre of the box (if 0) otherwise absolute (if 1) (internal units)
idealizeddisk: 0 # (Optional) Whether to run with idealizeddisk or without, 0 used the mass and scalelength as mandatory parameters, while 1 uses more advanced disk dependent paramters
mass: 1e10 # (Optional 0) default parameter, Mass of the Hernquist potential
Expand All @@ -314,10 +318,10 @@ HernquistPotential:
bulgefraction: 0.00705852860979 # (Optional 1) Bulge mass fraction (equal to MB in MakeNewDisk and GalIC)
timestep_mult: 0.01 # Dimensionless pre-factor for the time-step condition, basically determines the fraction of the orbital time we use to do the time integration
epsilon: 0.1 # Softening size (internal units)

# NFW potential parameters
useabspos: 0 # 0 -> positions based on centre, 1 -> absolute positions
useabspos: 0 # 0 -> positions based on centre, 1 -> absolute positions
position: [0.0,0.0,0.0] # Location of centre of the NFW potential with respect to centre of the box (internal units) if useabspos=0 otherwise with respect to the 0,0,0, coordinates.
concentration: 8. # Concentration of the halo
M_200: 2.0e+12 # Mass of the halo (M_200 in internal units)
Expand All @@ -326,7 +330,7 @@ NFWPotential:

# NFW + Miyamoto-Nagai disk potential
useabspos: 0 # 0 -> positions based on centre, 1 -> absolute positions
useabspos: 0 # 0 -> positions based on centre, 1 -> absolute positions
position: [0.,0.,0.] # Location of centre of isothermal potential with respect to centre of the box (if 0) otherwise absolute (if 1) (internal units)
timestep_mult: 0.01 # Dimensionless pre-factor for the time-step condition, basically determines the fraction of the orbital time we use to do the time integration
epsilon: 0.01 # Softening size (internal units)
Expand All @@ -336,7 +340,7 @@ NFW_MNPotential:
Mdisk: 3.0 # Mass of the disk (internal units)
Rdisk: 4.0 # Effective radius of the disk (internal units)
Zdisk: 0.4704911 # Scale-height of the disk (internal units)

# Disk-patch potential parameters. The potential is along the x-axis.
surface_density: 10. # Surface density of the disc (internal units)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,7 +427,7 @@ COLIBRECooling:
He_reion_eV_p_H: 2.0 # Energy inject by Helium re-ionization in electron-volt per Hydrogen atom
rapid_cooling_threshold: 0.333333 # Switch to rapid cooling regime for dt / t_cool above this threshold.
delta_logTEOS_subgrid_properties: 0.3 # delta log T above the EOS below which the subgrid properties use Teq assumption

# Cooling with Grackle 3.0
cloudy_table: CloudyData_UVB=HM2012.h5 # Name of the Cloudy Table (available on the grackle bitbucket repository)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,7 +462,6 @@ EAGLEChemistry:
initial_metallicity: 1 # Initial metallicity of the gas (mass fraction)
scale_initial_metallicity: 1 # Should we scale the initial metallicity with the solar one?
diffusion_coefficient: 1e-3 # Coefficient for the diffusion (see Shen et al. 2010; differs by gamma^2 due to h^2).

# Parameters related to star formation models -----------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -552,7 +555,7 @@ GEARFeedback:

# Parameters related to AGN models -----------------------------------------------

# EAGLE AGN model
subgrid_seed_mass_Msun: 1.5e5 # Black hole subgrid mass at creation time in solar masses.
Expand All @@ -569,7 +572,7 @@ EAGLEAGN:
radiative_efficiency: 0.1 # Fraction of the accreted mass that gets radiated.
max_eddington_fraction: 1. # Maximal allowed accretion rate in units of the Eddington rate.
eddington_fraction_for_recording: 0.1 # Record the last time BHs reached an Eddington ratio above this threshold.
use_nibbling: 0 # Continuously transfer small amounts of mass from all gas neighbours to a black hole [1] or stochastically swallow whole gas particles [0]?
use_nibbling: 0 # Continuously transfer small amounts of mass from all gas neighbours to a black hole [1] or stochastically swallow whole gas particles [0]?
min_gas_mass_for_nibbling: 9e5 # Minimum mass for a gas particle to be nibbled from [M_Sun]. Only used if use_nibbling is 1.
coupling_efficiency: 0.15 # Fraction of the radiated energy that couples to the gas in feedback events.
AGN_feedback_model: Random # Feedback modes: Random, Isotropic, MinimumDistance, MinimumDensity
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