3 commits
to development
since this release
Although report definitions are updated constantly and usually aren't related to specific COMET IME releases, every once in a while we create a COMET-Report release that is related to a specific COMET-IME release, for your convenience.
These releases contain *.rep4 files for all budgets/reports in the repository and they are created from report files found in the repository's Master branch.
Changes in this version:
- [ADD] Add .MD (markdown) files for each report containing information about the specific report.
- [UPDATE] - PowerBudget-XIPE report => Add maternity_margin and implement new P_mean and P_max calculations according to ESA request
- [UPDATE] - PowerBudget-Detailed-XIPE => Add maternity_margin and implement new P_mean and P_max calculations according to ESA request
Compatibility table:
Report | Min. IME version | Model restrictions |
EquipmentList-XIPE | 8.0.0 | XIPE model required |
MassBudget-XIPE-Detailed-Summary | 8.0.0 | XIPE model required |
MassBudget-XIPE-Summary | 8.0.0 | XIPE model required |
PowerBudget-Detailed-XIPE | 9.0.1 | XIPE model required |
PowerBudgetPivot-XIPE | 8.0.0 | XIPE model required |
PowerBudget-XIPE | 9.0.1 | XIPE model required |
MD5 hash of AllBudgets-9.0..zip: 4154e0b1aa261493288dddf0398a455e