This file contains a felicity.sql file which be used to create the databases with some (contains data) and the other file which is the driver code. The python code connects with sql through socket using username and password.
Open project directory in terminal and write this command
These are the menu options you will recieve first all the options.
Connected to Felicity dbms
1. Retrieval
2. Analysis
3. Modify
Enter choice>
These are the menu options you will recieve after selecting this option.
1. Selection of Data
2. Projection
3. Search student (with name/roll number)
4. Auto Scheduler
5. Auto Scheduler for individual events
6. Net revenue(include Aggregation)
Enter choice>
Will give more options on which table you want to view with some additional data than those stored in sql.
Query on tables with conditions.
Can search for student dbms with just name or rollnumber .
Erases and create a new scheduler table which is a timetable of all the events that have been approved.
Add a event to the schudler which is not already present in the scheduler allocats only if ther are free slots available.
Prints total profit or loss in conducting the Fest.
These are the menu options you will recieve after selecting this option.
1. Net revenue
2. Expenditure by each club on events
Enter choice>
Enter choice>
Prints total profit or loss in conducting the Fest.
Prints the expenses by each club during the fest.
These are the menu options you will recieve after selecting this option.
1. Insert Data
2. Updation
3. Delete Data
Enter choice>
Will give more options on which table you want to insert data into .
Will give more options on which table you want to update data into .
Will give more options to delete values in certain tables .