instahack is a bash based script which is officially made to test password strength of instagram account from termux with bruteforce attack and. This tool works on both rooted Android device and Non-rooted Android device. this script can bypass login limiting and it can test infinite number of passwords with a rate of about 1000 passwords/min with 100 attemps at once.
| We use , tor to change our ip once blocked for many tries and continue attack. | Since the official api is not a hacker wants, So we use the InstagramAPK signature to stay anonymous! | And we also save the progress so that even in network interruption we can avoid breaking the computer!
See the 'Algorimthm' section down below for more hackery!
| Instahack is a slick bash script to perform brute force attack against Instagram ,
| this script can bypass login limiting on wrong passwords , so basically it can test infinite number of passwords.
| Instahack is proved and can test over 6M passwords on a single instagram account with less resource as possible
| This script mimics the activities of the official instagram android app and sends request over tor so you are secure ,
| but if your tor installation is misconfigured then the blame is on you.
instahack Scripting
Resumes Attacks when the same wordlist is used on the same Username
Dumps successfully cracked accounts in the dump
Maximum Customization! ( This includes multiple attack vectors! )
Fast and Clean Code , no ugly selenum drivers! ( Pure Requests )
Elegant Tor Identity Change with Stem ( Tor's Official Library for Python )
Depends on:to r , requests , requests[socks] , stem
- Termux
- Kali Linux
- Insta OSINT !
- Insta Bruteforce !
- Instagram stable api !
- Multi Thrading
- Twitter Bruteforce
- Updated maintainence !
- tor usage !
- Easy for Beginners !
$ sudo easy_install3 -U pip # you have to install python3-setuptools , update pip
$ sudo pip3 install requests --upgrade
$ sudo pip3 install requests[socks]
$ sudo pip3 install stem
wget && bash
- Now you need internet connection to continue further process...
- You can select any option by clicking on your keyboard
- Note:- Don't delete any of the scripts included in core files
- new session and start TOR (tor) before starting the attack
- From this option you can gather information about your target
- From this option you can start attack aon default pass list of tool.
- From this option you can select manual pass list and try to attack.
- From this option you can update instahack tool if updates are available for that.
- From this option you can exit from tool
and many more options...
This tool is only for educational purpose. If you use this tool for other purposes except education we will not be responsible in such cases. Guys, if you have any doubts or problems while doing this script, you can contact me and I will definitely help.