Inspiration: Offensive Security
SNU Red Force is an Organization or a Team of Offensive Security Enthusiasts who are willing to participate and learn Reverse Engineering, Exploit Development, Social Engineering and Activities relating to OffSec.
Reverse Engineering : Reverse engineering (also known as backwards engineering or back engineering) is a process or method through which one attempts to understand through deductive reasoning how a previously made device, process, system, or piece of software accomplishes a task with very little (if any) insight into exactly how it does so. (Source: Wikipedia)
Exploit Development : Exploit development is essentially the act of finding vulnerabilities in software and applications and establishing how they can be used to overtake a targeted system. (Source: Hallborn)
Social Engineering : Social engineering is a manipulation technique that exploits human error to gain private information, access, or valuables. (Source: Kaspersky)
The Threshold is set Pretty High. One should have an Advanced/Intermediate Knowledge in these Topics. Since Cybersecurity is a Vast Field, the requirements to enter the field is also pretty vast. Hence, getting over this in the initial phase is better than getting stuck in the middle.
- GNU/Linux
- Low | Middle | High-Level Languages
- Networking
- Git | Github | Gitlab | Git Kraken
| = OR
GNU/Linux : When I am referring to Linux I am referring to the Kernel and not the OS (Refer Wiki for the Kernel Definition). Linux is an Integral Part in Offsec. Linux is Open Source which means it is being patched every single second by Developers. Linux is free of Spywares and promotes freedom. This ultimately led to the development of Exploits which are only usable in Linux. There are Various Pentesting Distributions out there.
- Kali Linux
- Parrot OS
- Black Arch
- BackBox
- Red Hat OS
You can even develop your Own Pentesting Distribution from scratch and Rice it. It's all about being Comfy with your Environment.
Low | Middle | High-Level Languages : Programming Languages play an important role in Exploit Development and Reverse Engineering. Ofcourse you can do Penetration Testing without typing in a Single Line of Code but knowing a Couple of Languages will help you in the Long Run. Some Languages Recommended by Specialists are:
- Assembly Language : There are Many Types of Assembly Languages out there. The Most Common Ones are X86_64 and ARM. Learning Assembly Language is too much burden. So it'd be nice if you atleast know how an Assembly Code Works.
- C : The Mother of All Languages. C is referred to as a Middle Level Language. It let's you do everything.. Literally Everything !!! C is used in the Field of Exploit Development due to it's Custom Memory Management Feature and Supposedly Low-Level Nature. It'd be fabulous if you Master C/C++
- C++ : Bloat
- Python: For Developing Automated Scripts and Exploits
Networking: It is essential for Cyber Security Professionals to have a solid understanding of how computers communicate. There is much more happening behind the scenes of computer networks than what can be observed when using applications. (Source: W3Schools Shucks!!!) You should have an INDEPTH understanding of Networking. Since, Hacking is all about exploiting Networks and Gaining Access and Elevating your Previleges after Gaining Access. Then comes Payload Insertion and Other Malicious Stuffs.
Git && Github | Gitlab | Optional: Git Kraken : Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system. It was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005. You can find Git to download at and they also have great resources for documentation. Github is a cloud-based hosting service for Git repositories. It is a tool build on the top of Git. In simple terms, it provides a graphical interface that interacts with Git repositories. It makes it easier for the individual and team to use Git for version control and provide collaboration features such as task management, bug tracking and feature request for every project. You can use Github through a web portal or desktop GUI or Git shell. (Source:
Contributing requires you to Satisfy all the Necessary Prerequisites and to be part of the Core Team
Ping to get yourself Approved. You will receive an Invitation Email asking you to be the Member of the Organization.
SNU Red Force aims to be the Greatest in the whole of SNU/SSN in terms of Cybersecurity and the Members of the Organization will undergo Extensive Training to statisfy the Needs of the Organization which will shape them into a better Pentester. We'll Participate in CTFs, Bug Bountry Programme and Etcetera.
Author: --> Touch Some Grass 🌿 and Hack Some Computers 🖥️
PS: IDK What happened to Mentioning Author's Profile. Bear with the Ridiculous Profile Link