This repository contains the notebooks I created for my Economic Growth and Comparative Development course.
- Introduction to Jupyter and Markdown (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- Introduction to Python (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- Introduction to Python II - Statements (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- Introduction to Python III - Functions and Packages (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- Introduction to Data Analysis with Pandas (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- More Economic Data Analysis with Pandas (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- Working with World Development Indicators (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- Working with Penn World Table (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- Working with GapMinder (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- GIS with QGIS (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- GIS with Python - Geometries (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- GIS with Python - Rasters (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- GIS with Python - Data Munging (Notebook) (html) (slides)
- Introduction to CGE (Notebook) (html)
- Dynamic Programming in Python (Notebook) (html)
- Faster Dynamic Programming with Numba (Notebook) (html)
© Ömer Özak (2022)
This code and data is provided under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.